Tag Archives: investing

Nice Parents Set Up To CPS DCFS Do Not Receive Their Money Even When The Not Needed Case Files Are Closed


My readings say some at banks say they do not understand why Miss N Fox thought she could afford her house she bought in 2005? they were told it was far too much, and she did all that without thinking in many detailed reports, that show her spending, and they are told any mom who has a CPS DCFS case file cannot have their own money even after the case file closes, they are told they did something wrong, and that they are bad persons because of the way they spent money so they take it all and set them up to be a CPS DCFS case file because of the way they spend money, shown in text email logs, bank reports, statements, deposit slips, etc. and now banks are told stop blacklisting nice moms with false allegations done behind their backs, why do they not have their own money when they are set up to be not needed case files at CPS DCFS? and why do you keep taking it all when the not needed case files are closed?

Banks are told they open case files based on spending, and on not spending also, and they decide on parenting skills by how a parent spends money, and the parents never hear a word about it, its done by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and by debt to income ratios by tax return statements, the net income not the gross, and by texts emails they log, to see what a mom is doing or not doing, and go by those records, and not by a moms saved work emails ever they say, they say thats just to pretend they are working their fake, when nothing the moms do is fake, they are nice honest people,and do not pretend to do anything, readings say these evil framer who frame nice mothers always lie a mom is pretending when they never are, they are honest sincere people who never pretend, what you see is what you get with the moms they frame who are honest good hard working people doing things the way they have worked for them with money, and budgeting, and spending and financial plans, that always worked for them and would have kept working just fine if they had not been set up to CPS DCFS and robbed blind. Readings say the spy cam committees get texts and emails and change them all to frame moms, and they mark up credit reports, papers etc cut them up paste in fraud, and they are trained to frame nice moms to banks and money has nothing to do with parenting, CPS DCFS is for parents who are child endangering, and if someone thought a mom had a money spending problem that would be a simple phone call, and a financial planning meeting, to solve problems to answer questions about how and why they did what ? and what their plans are with money, and future finances, what is their debt to income ratio, and that could just be filling out a form emailed out mailed or faxed, moms should be treated like grown up adults with respect and not have people sneaking around lying about how and why they did what when its none of their business and when they do not know the moms plan, or what she was thinking and doing as much as all in a moms head.

Readings say they say why did Miss N Fox think she could afford that house in 2005?

I got loan approval for the purchase price is why from Regency Brokerage, they got me loan approval with Countrywide.

I had $368,000.00 in equity in my two story home in 2005 is why.

I bought the 1 mil dollar house with my equity from my two story is why.

I bought it with my real estate income also, and wrote the $40,000.00 3 % deposit check I had in the bank, I made 150 thousand selling homes in 2005 and 140 thousand in 2004, and I always had alot of real estate listings and buyers and sold many homes is why.

I had a 790 fico score I had worked on since 2004.

I qualified with my stated income for the purchase price of $1,037,000.00 in 2005 May.

I bought it with a swing loan my equity I borrowed from my two story home. I sold my two story for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan from my seller proceeds in escrow.

I shopped for the house from 2001 to 2005 and I shopped for a house that had the right floorplan and square footage for my family, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us and decided in 2005 I am selling and buying.

I planned to rent her house for her in Sherman Oaks or sell it,so she would have had a $5,000.00 a month income living in our house instead of an elder care for $7,000.00 a month 1 million a year.

I planned to double my real estate income to $300.000.00 a year from 2009 to 2013 the years my daughters turned 18.

I got a neg am loan knowing by the time it went up my income would be higher as my daughters would be adult ages by that time when I could work more hours. That was in 2009 when my older daughter turned 18 started driving and College, and in 2009 my mom was going to move in, and she would have been under our roof, with a maid/care giver with her Ranchito rent money was the plan, then I could have started working more hours in 2009 and increased my income then, probably to $250,000.00 a year or so as I had 4 listings in May 2009 when I was lied about and set up to DCFS, and 2 of the seller where buying houses, so I had 6 sales I would have made by the work I had going in May 2009 and I lost the money I spent and invested into those listings, because I was set up to DCFS in May 2009 by lies. My whole financial plan I had going was ruined, as I said I planned to double my income to $300.000.00 a year by my 10 year all referal busines I built up from 1999 to 2009, and I planned to get real estate referal fees the rest of my life and all the years of time and energy and money spent and invested in my real estate business was lost because of lies told to DCFS about an over nice good mom.

I lost almost half a million I invested in my house I bought in 2005, I bought a million dollar house in an estate neighborhood, the smallest least exspensive house in an estate neighborhood where custom estates were larger and higher priced, a great investment for my money, as I knew the house would double by my upgrading it and adding on.

I planned to add a guest unit and restroom that would have had its own private entrance, and I planned to rent it for $1,500.00 a month that could have paid half the mortgage payment, and I thought it may be for a care giver maid for my Mom, free rent in exchange for care giving, plus some money from her rental income from Ranchito Ave. so I had many future financial plans,

I planned to refinance the house into my name alone once I doubled my income, and worked on my fico score again and had 1.7 or higher appraisal, and this was all very planned by me, I would have refied to a fixed 40 year loan in my name alone, and had $1,500.00 rental income if need be, as I think like a real estate investor, and made many great plans with my real estate expertise, so thats why I was not worried as many plans for the house. ‘Why would I worry ? when I sold many homes and made a good living as a realtor, and the more you work the more you make, and I planned to work more when my daughters were 18 year old adults, and when my mom moved in which she never did. Neg am loans are to keep payments low for people who plan to make more money later, and I got a neg am loan in 2005 and the payment was $3,000.00 a month so I was not worried at all, as our other house payment was about the same.

I spent money updating the two story house to sell it to buy another house, and plannned it all out and did exterior paint and new garage doors in 2000 and a new tile roof in around 2001 and tile floors downstairs in 2002, landscaped, and had carpet paint tile done in Feb 05 to sell it, to buy another house so this was all very planned out.

I bought a one story that was dated, but it was in the same city and School disrict we had been in since 1997. I updated the flooring and guest bath before we moved in around July 1st 2005 with my equity line swing loan money I got from my two story house, as I bought an original custom home built in 1976 that needed updating, but it was in good condition. Our furniture from our two story house looked great in the one story house living room, I had done our two story house somewhat Shabby Shek, couches with Martha Stewart off white slip covers, as I am great with decorating with a budget, and know how to save money this way, and I bought the living room furniture from a condo Sellers property I sold for a good price, and I had alot of furniture my sellers gave me when I sold their house, tables a desk someone brought me, and I only bought family room dining room furniture and spent about $2,500.00 on that needed family room furnture at Pier One, and Bombay and Rod Iron stores. and the rest of the furniture we had since 1992, antiques etc. many of the same pictures on the walls, curtain rods curtains were hung from our two story house I sold all done very COST EFFECTIVE as I love decorating and am good at doing things without spending alot of money. I learned alot looking at so many homes and estates also, and even thought of having a Home Staging Business at one point years ago.

Why did I know I could afford the purchase price I was approved for? in 2005. it was a great location to sell homes and estates from as I had sold homes in the neighborhoods all around there since 1999 when I became a realtor and I was a few minutes or 1 minute away from those tracts, and I knew I would sell estates where we lived as realtors usually sell homes where they live, I sold 10 homes in the two story house neighborhood, and I sold 2 estates in 2008 in our neighborhood, and had a listing for 1.8.

The house was productive and convenient, and a great location for seling homes and estates, and great for my other careers as I am a Screenplay writer, and a Song Lyric Writer, and it felt very creative there as a writer, and I planned to continue doing my other careers there which I could have made millions doing which would have been icing on the cake, nothing is impossible in the eyes of God.


Fact Time Line

1978 My Mother Denise S. Fox made me POA Nancy G. Fox on her Wells Fargo checking account

1985 I got sober in AA and I am still sober. I am over honest and do not lie

1995 Jan My mother made me First Trustee Nancy G. Fox-Taylor of her Living Trust Will, that means her money was her money when she was living and NOT family money.

1999 I got a real estate liscense Nancy G. Fox-Taylor

2000 Jan I was legally seperated like a divorce, all assets and community property were split at this time.

2001 My mother Denise S Fox told me she wanted to live with my daughters and I when she was older, and was concerned all our bedrooms upstairs, and I told her I would sell the two story and buy a one story.

2000 to 2005 I updated the two story house, I had exterior paint and new garage doors put in, and a new roof for $18,000.00 with a commision escrow check, tile floors downstairs etc. with the plans to sell it. I did paid for the upgrades as a single mom without receiving child support or alimony, I paid the mortgage and household bills alone, and spent about $80,000.00 updating the house to get a good price to buy another house, and in Feb 2005 I had new paint, smooth celings done, and new carpet put in and the kitchen tiled to finish it off as planned.

2004 I started working on my fico score to buy a house in 2005, and I made 140 thousand in 2004 selling homes, and my mortgage was around $2,950.00 at the two story home where we lived and I sold many homes in that neighborhood as the neighborhood expert and knew what to do to sell a house as a real estate expert who advised many with their home selling and buying. I got the house ready to put it on the market to sell it to buy a house for my mother to live with us.

2001 to 2005 I wrote offers on homes I found that were contingent on selling our two story house that were not accepted. I was shopping for a house with a clay tile roof with a spiritual ambiance, and wrote an offer on one off Westlake Blvd with a view, a one story with a clay tile roof. two in Old Agoura, one with a clay tile roof and a spiritual ambiance and one was ranch style for a million, and I wrote offer on two houses in The First Neighborhood with clay tile roofs,one with a spiritual ambiance that needed alot of work as did the one in Old Agoura and the one off Westlake Blvd they were fixer uppers that needed $150,000.00 in work

2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, I put in to refiance the two story house to take 20 thousand out to finish off the house to put it on the market in the spring of 05.

2005 Feb When I got the refinance money to do the new carpet, paint smooth ceilings, and tile in the kitchen I got the work done as planned. I got an estimate from the painter, tile men, and went to a tile store and bought tile, and went to the carpet store and bought got carpet, and got it all done in Feb 05, then listed it For Sale as realtor selling their own home.

2005 April I saw a one story house with a clay tile roof listed, that was 2544 square feet with a view with a covered porch and large Oak Trees in the same City and School District we had been in since 1997 and I wanted to see the house when it was listed, and then it went into escrow.

2005 June 13th it came Back on the Market, it came up as a BOM on the real estate MLS, I saw an open house sign that day and thought it was the house I wanted to see and it was, I loved the house when I saw it, and wrote an offer, and wrote a $40,000.00 3% deposit check that I had in the bank, and I got a loan approval letter with Countrywide Home Loans with Regency Brokerage Sharon and Brad Pfeifer a mortgage broker team and I was approved with Countrywide with my income, my 790 fico score I worked at since 2004 and with my equity money I had in my two story house that I listed For Sale Feb 05, and opened escrow, and the mortgage broker man and woman came to see the house and loved it and thought it was a great investment. They got me a swing loan on my two story house that I bought the 1 story house with. My swing loan equity from my two story went in Downey Savings and I transferred my money to my checking and bought the house for around $1,037,000.00 or $1,040,000.00, I ran my Seller Net Sheets May 13th, 2005 that I have that show $385,000.00 in home equity on the two story house, and I ran my Buyer Net Sheet and my payment was first $3,300.00 a month then my mom was added to my purchase contract and it was $3,000.00 with her Assets. My Mom came to see the house during escrow and loved the house to live there when she needed to at that time, and said she wanted to go on the house with me, so I called Sharon and Brad Pfifer and they said that would save me $330.00 a month on my mortgage payment, so my Mom faxed them her assets spoke to them on the phone, and was added to my purchase contract in escrow, and she drove out and opened a Downey Savings account with me because she went on my house with me.

The house closed escrow the middle of June 2005 and my payment was $3,000.00 a month and a $100.00 second all estmated by me on the Buyer Net Sheet. It was in good condition but dated as it was an original custom built home built in 1976, so I decided I would update the guest bath and have hardwoor floors put in, and got this work done with my equity money in Downey Savings before we moved in around July 1st 2005. Then I made lists measured for furniture we needed for the house, and went out and bought 6 rod iron chairs at a Rod Iron store on Thousand Oaks Blvd, I needed 2 breakfast bar stools and 4 chairs for the dining area table, and bought those,got it done, and bought furnture at a Bombay close out sale by a sign I saw at The Westlake Promanade, and went in that store, and bought the dining room table, and a clock for over the fireplace in the family room and I went to Pier One on Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks, and bought 6 chair cushions with measurments for the 2 breakfast bar stools sand 4 rod iron chairs, and I bought 2 large floor pilows that matched the 6 chair cushions at Pier One, and I bought a desk that I measured in the store to make sure it would not stick out too far as I bought it for the dining area to sit at a lap top, and I hurried around with my lists and measurements and got the family room dining area all done, ready set to live in our happy family home, and spent about $2,500.00 on furniture, as I also bought a coffee table I measured in the store probably as I wanted one that was not too big, and I bought two rattan chairs there for about $80,00 each, and the desk was $120.00 and this was all very smart spending in my budget, and I bought a couch for about $500.00 at a store in The Thousand Oaks Mall and I was very happy I got everything accomplished that I planned to do, and the rest of the house had our furniture from the two story house in the other rooms, and I hung up our same curtains and curtain rods, and did a great job I felt getting all this done for our family home and was very happy with the way it looked.

2005 I sold my two story house for $750,000.00 I paid off my swing loan money I borrowed from it to buy the one story in escrow with my sellers proceeds, and got about $50.000.00 after about $300,000,00 was paid off.

Going from a $750,000.00 house to a house for about 1 million is not a big jump, and it was not a big price difference in payment either, and I was very happy it went all went so well.

Then stalkers swarmed, vandalized, probably stole our cats, lied about me and ruined everything I worked so hard for for so many years and set me up right when my mom was going to move in with us in 2009, and she never got to live there and she died July 21st, 2021 unfortunately it ruined her old age plans, and my plans to take care of her in that house for the rest of her life.

I am over nice mom a devoted family lady, a great mom and daughter a long time sober AA lady was set up to DCFS and I have I D Theft since obviously as I do not receive paypal as i should for over 11 years or postal mail and money for 15 years, and it seems the stalking liars who framed me are probably the ones doing I D Theft.

Lies To DCFS & Gang Stalkers Ran Us Out Of The Suburb City

I got sober in AA in 1985

I got married and had my first daughter in 1991

I had my second daughter in 1995

We moved to the a suburb City in 1997

I got my real estate liscense in 1999

I was legally seperated like a divorce in Jan 2000, I got full physical custody of my daughters and all assets and community property were split at this time and my ex signed off the community property on Title.

I paid the bills and mortgage payment alone as a single mom realtor, and did not receive child support, I was supposed to receive $1,800.00 a month and maybe got a few hundred a year. I filed this later in around 2006 and in 2005 I reduced it to $500.00 a month, $250.00 per child in the legal divorce that was Oct 2005 that was by the legal seperation filed in the Court in Jan 2000.

I upgraded the two story tract home that was original when my ex husband the Dad moved out in Jan 2000.

I had the exterior painted and got new garage doors

I had a new roof put on for $18,000.00 with an escrow check in around 2002.

I landscaped it myself, and got tile floors downstairs.

In 2001 my mother told me she wanted to liv with my two daughters and in and she was worried all our bedrooms were upstairs at the two story tract home, I told her I would sell it and buy a one story for her to live with us so I started shopping for a one story home to accomodate my mother and for a house with more square footage, and searched on the real estate MLS every day for many years for a house to buy for my family, and I wrote 5 offers that were contingent on selling the two story that were not accepted to in 2004 I decided I would sell the two story tract home in 2005 and buy a one story or bedroom down house in 05 so in 2004 I refinanced the two story tract home to finish the updating, and had carpet paint tile done in Feb 05 and got it ready to List it and Sell it. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party with the new carpet tile paint before I listed the two story tract home house that was in the suburb City we moved to in 1997. I listed it right after the party which was Feb 27th,2005,

In around April 05 I saw a one story house listed on the MLS that I wanted to see, then it went into escrow, and the middle of May 05 it came back on the market, and I wrote an offer on it that was accepted and I got a swing loan equity money from my two story home to buy it. I put $40,000.00 down the 3% deposit I had in the bank, I had several bank accounts, two under Nancy G. Fox-Taylor and one at a bank that I opened in early 05 a Nancy Fox checking account.

My family loved the one story house to live there, my older daughter came with me to the open house that day, and my younger daughter saw it that day and loved it, my mom came during the escrow and loved the house, and planned to live there but never did due to the gang stalking that went on etc. The mortgage broker team a man and woman came to see the house and loved it and thought it was a great investment, and said no problem getting me a loan on the house with my real estate income, my equity in my two story, and by my fico score of 790 I worked on since 2004 to prepare to qualify to buy a house, and they got me loan approval with Countrywide, and that day I ran my Seller Net Sheet and Buyer Net Sheet. When my Mom came to the house during escrow she said ” Oh I just love the house, I want to go on the house with you!” and I called the mortgage broker team who said that would save me a few hundred a month on my payment and so my payment was $3,000.00 a month a $100.00 a month second by my mom going on the house with her assets only The mortgage brokers said open an account with your mom at the bank where you have a checking account Nancy Fox, so my mom drove out and met me at that bank and we opened a joint savings account Denise S Fox and Nancy Fox, then by swing loan equity money I borrowed against my two story house that was listed For Sale end of Feb 05 went into the joint savings account I opened with my Mom in May 2005, only my money went in that account never her money. The swing loan money was deposited and I transferred my money from the savings to my checking account there Nancy Fox in person in the bank and I bought a one story house with my two story house money and my real estate income in May June 2005. I updated the one story with my swing loan money by writing checks from my Nancy Fox checking, and decided I would spend about $50,000.00 to $70,000.00 of my two story equity money updating the one story before we moved in, I had been shopping for an original house to update to have it the look I wanted, and I wanted a one story with a clay tile roof, so I had flooring done and the guest bath remodeled after escrow closed in the middle of June 2005, then we moved in around July 1st, 2005, and I bought family room furniture and dining area furnitre I measured for and ran around the bought what we needed for our family room for our new family home, and I spent about $2,500,00 on furniture and got the house ready set to live in, and it was alot of hard work, time and energy spent in 2005 and I got everything accomplished that I planned then sold the two story tract home for $750,000.00 and paid off my swing loan I borrowed against it with my seller proceeds and I made about $150,000.00 in 2005 I sold 7 homes and I made $140,000.00 in 2004 and could easily afford the house payment and planned to never move and gang stalker vandalizers car break in cat napper liar theives ran us out of the house in 09 right when my mom was going to move in, and I planned to double my income starting in 2009 as my older daughter turned 18 in 09 graduated High School, started driving and college and had worked at Banana Republic for years at this time, so soon I would have had more time to sell real estate and I planned to double my real estate income to $300,000.00 a year at that 10 year mark with my real estate business I built up in the suburb City from 1999 on, and I bought a house that was convenient to sell homes from, and a house in the same Suburb City the same School District we had been in since 1997, and it was a perfect house and perfect location, and my Mom was going to move in in 2009 as she got memory loss in May 2008, and in 2008 I was driving back and forth to drive my Mom around because she lost her drivers liscense, and I got the house for her to live with us for us to look after her instead of her going to an elder care that would cost $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 a month $100,000.00 a year a million for 10 years etc. and due to stalking in 08 and cat napping in 08 I was worried for her to move in, and the stalking affected my real estate income also as it made me so worried, and it was a frozen real estate loan market where no one could get a loan to buy a house in 2008, as this was The Global Financial Crisis that I was riding out waiting for the market to pick up, still working and selling homes, and I was waiting for my mom to move in to be under our roof, and I was waiting for my older daughter to be 18 and driving and in College, so I planned to increase my real estate income and hours in 2009 then I was set up by lies to DCFS in May 2009 right when my mom was going to move in and I was lied about the week my car broke down, and I had 4 Real Estate listings and 2 of the sellers were buying homes, and I would have made $166,000.00 on that alone in 2009, and the lies to DCFS ruined my 10 year real estate business I built up and my moms plans to live with us and all that was done ruined our happy life plans, and I lost almost half a million that I invested into the house and years of happy family time we would have enjoyed there that was planned for many years.

How To Investigate How Someone Bought A House

How to investigate how someone bought a house.

You order Title Reports from a Title Company through a Realtor, and order the Title Report on the house they sold and the house they bought by giving a Realtor the addresses.

The Title report will show the sales prices, loans paid off, recording date and the comparable properties of the propertys.

The tax accessor also has the Sales Price, and Recording Dates, you can look like this online on the County Tax Accesors web site and put the addresses in,

You order the Escrow Files from the Broker that show money down on a house bought. Seller Proceeds on a house Sold, second loans, swing loans paid off etc.

You can get the Realtor Multiple Listing information by a realtor getting it from the MLS with the addresses. They can get list dates, close of escrow dates, the price a house sold for etc.

And that is how you investigate how someone bought a house, by sitting at a desk and reading information from reports for 45 minutes. A Realtor can do this easily,

For Example.

In Feb 2005 I listed my two story house I owned to sell it to buy a one story.

I wrote an offer on a one story the middle of May, 2005 that closed escrow the middle of June, 2005.

I got a swing loan from my two story house that was listed For Sale, that is where you borrow your equity in your home you own and then pay it off when you sell it in escrow with your Seller Proceeds.

The swing loan was recorded on my two story home in May June 2005 it was for around $250,000.00 to $300,000.00 equity in my two story home. I ran my Seller Net Sheets on the MLS Program that showed I had $386,000.00 in home equity, Seller Proceeds I would get selling the home so I borrowed some of it by a swing loan to buy another house. That $250,000.00 to $300,000.00 was put in Downey Savings in an account, and I sent my swing loan money to escrow to buy a one story house. I put about $225,000.00 of my money down on the house in June 2005 and I had written the 3% deposit check I had in the bank of $40,000.00.

Escrow closed on the one story the middle of June 2005, I then updated the one story with my swing loan equity money I had in Downey Savings and had flooring done and remodeled the guest bath before we moved in the one story around July 1st, 2005.

The two story sold for $750,000.00 and closed escrow the middle of October. My Seller Net Sheet Shows the swing loan I borrowed against the two story was paid off with my Seller Proceeds and I got about $50,000.00 in additional equity from my Sellers Proceeds on top of the $250,000.00 to $300,000.00 I got from the house so anyone could see by reading reports I bought a one story with my money from my two story house and they could see I updated the one story and bought furniture with my money from my two story as I put my home equity swing loan check in Downey Savings and transfered my money to my Downey Savings Nancy Fox checking account, and I wrote checks to painters, Home Depot etc. to update the one story house before moving in and I bought furniture and spent about $2,500.00 on family room dining area breakfast bar furniture that we needed and I bought a desk for the dining area and was done spending money. I bought the house updated itm furnished it, and said Last House I am Ever Buying.

I also sold 7 homes that year, and to investigate how a realtor bought their own house you can run their sales on the MLS, and see what escrows they closed, commision amounts , times sales prices times 2.5% or 3% percent commision and see a realtors income, and as said anyone could have ordered my Title Report on my 2 story house I listed Feb 05 and seen the loan balance, the value by comparable sales, and know what I would make selling the house, you just deduct the loan balance from the comparable property appraised value, and they would have seen Sales Prices of around $850,000.00 and $785,000.00 at this time in 2005 and you would say sales price estimate $750,000.00 minus the loan balance of $320,000.00 approximately. That is how what a seller will make selling their house, and my Seller Net Sheet says equity $386,000.00 on the sheet I printed out when I wrote the offer on the one story house May 13th, 2005 as I did my own Seller Net Sheets and Buyer Net Sheets on the MLS, and my buyers net sheet says $3,000.00 a month payment and $100.00 Second Loan payment, as I calculated the whole thing out as a realtor buying her own house.

You can also see Community Property Signed off and recored on the Title.