Tag Archives: home-buying

Lies To DCFS & Gang Stalkers Ran Us Out Of The Suburb City

I got sober in AA in 1985

I got married and had my first daughter in 1991

I had my second daughter in 1995

We moved to the a suburb City in 1997

I got my real estate liscense in 1999

I was legally seperated like a divorce in Jan 2000, I got full physical custody of my daughters and all assets and community property were split at this time and my ex signed off the community property on Title.

I paid the bills and mortgage payment alone as a single mom realtor, and did not receive child support, I was supposed to receive $1,800.00 a month and maybe got a few hundred a year. I filed this later in around 2006 and in 2005 I reduced it to $500.00 a month, $250.00 per child in the legal divorce that was Oct 2005 that was by the legal seperation filed in the Court in Jan 2000.

I upgraded the two story tract home that was original when my ex husband the Dad moved out in Jan 2000.

I had the exterior painted and got new garage doors

I had a new roof put on for $18,000.00 with an escrow check in around 2002.

I landscaped it myself, and got tile floors downstairs.

In 2001 my mother told me she wanted to liv with my two daughters and in and she was worried all our bedrooms were upstairs at the two story tract home, I told her I would sell it and buy a one story for her to live with us so I started shopping for a one story home to accomodate my mother and for a house with more square footage, and searched on the real estate MLS every day for many years for a house to buy for my family, and I wrote 5 offers that were contingent on selling the two story that were not accepted to in 2004 I decided I would sell the two story tract home in 2005 and buy a one story or bedroom down house in 05 so in 2004 I refinanced the two story tract home to finish the updating, and had carpet paint tile done in Feb 05 and got it ready to List it and Sell it. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party with the new carpet tile paint before I listed the two story tract home house that was in the suburb City we moved to in 1997. I listed it right after the party which was Feb 27th,2005,

In around April 05 I saw a one story house listed on the MLS that I wanted to see, then it went into escrow, and the middle of May 05 it came back on the market, and I wrote an offer on it that was accepted and I got a swing loan equity money from my two story home to buy it. I put $40,000.00 down the 3% deposit I had in the bank, I had several bank accounts, two under Nancy G. Fox-Taylor and one at a bank that I opened in early 05 a Nancy Fox checking account.

My family loved the one story house to live there, my older daughter came with me to the open house that day, and my younger daughter saw it that day and loved it, my mom came during the escrow and loved the house, and planned to live there but never did due to the gang stalking that went on etc. The mortgage broker team a man and woman came to see the house and loved it and thought it was a great investment, and said no problem getting me a loan on the house with my real estate income, my equity in my two story, and by my fico score of 790 I worked on since 2004 to prepare to qualify to buy a house, and they got me loan approval with Countrywide, and that day I ran my Seller Net Sheet and Buyer Net Sheet. When my Mom came to the house during escrow she said ” Oh I just love the house, I want to go on the house with you!” and I called the mortgage broker team who said that would save me a few hundred a month on my payment and so my payment was $3,000.00 a month a $100.00 a month second by my mom going on the house with her assets only The mortgage brokers said open an account with your mom at the bank where you have a checking account Nancy Fox, so my mom drove out and met me at that bank and we opened a joint savings account Denise S Fox and Nancy Fox, then by swing loan equity money I borrowed against my two story house that was listed For Sale end of Feb 05 went into the joint savings account I opened with my Mom in May 2005, only my money went in that account never her money. The swing loan money was deposited and I transferred my money from the savings to my checking account there Nancy Fox in person in the bank and I bought a one story house with my two story house money and my real estate income in May June 2005. I updated the one story with my swing loan money by writing checks from my Nancy Fox checking, and decided I would spend about $50,000.00 to $70,000.00 of my two story equity money updating the one story before we moved in, I had been shopping for an original house to update to have it the look I wanted, and I wanted a one story with a clay tile roof, so I had flooring done and the guest bath remodeled after escrow closed in the middle of June 2005, then we moved in around July 1st, 2005, and I bought family room furniture and dining area furnitre I measured for and ran around the bought what we needed for our family room for our new family home, and I spent about $2,500,00 on furniture and got the house ready set to live in, and it was alot of hard work, time and energy spent in 2005 and I got everything accomplished that I planned then sold the two story tract home for $750,000.00 and paid off my swing loan I borrowed against it with my seller proceeds and I made about $150,000.00 in 2005 I sold 7 homes and I made $140,000.00 in 2004 and could easily afford the house payment and planned to never move and gang stalker vandalizers car break in cat napper liar theives ran us out of the house in 09 right when my mom was going to move in, and I planned to double my income starting in 2009 as my older daughter turned 18 in 09 graduated High School, started driving and college and had worked at Banana Republic for years at this time, so soon I would have had more time to sell real estate and I planned to double my real estate income to $300,000.00 a year at that 10 year mark with my real estate business I built up in the suburb City from 1999 on, and I bought a house that was convenient to sell homes from, and a house in the same Suburb City the same School District we had been in since 1997, and it was a perfect house and perfect location, and my Mom was going to move in in 2009 as she got memory loss in May 2008, and in 2008 I was driving back and forth to drive my Mom around because she lost her drivers liscense, and I got the house for her to live with us for us to look after her instead of her going to an elder care that would cost $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 a month $100,000.00 a year a million for 10 years etc. and due to stalking in 08 and cat napping in 08 I was worried for her to move in, and the stalking affected my real estate income also as it made me so worried, and it was a frozen real estate loan market where no one could get a loan to buy a house in 2008, as this was The Global Financial Crisis that I was riding out waiting for the market to pick up, still working and selling homes, and I was waiting for my mom to move in to be under our roof, and I was waiting for my older daughter to be 18 and driving and in College, so I planned to increase my real estate income and hours in 2009 then I was set up by lies to DCFS in May 2009 right when my mom was going to move in and I was lied about the week my car broke down, and I had 4 Real Estate listings and 2 of the sellers were buying homes, and I would have made $166,000.00 on that alone in 2009, and the lies to DCFS ruined my 10 year real estate business I built up and my moms plans to live with us and all that was done ruined our happy life plans, and I lost almost half a million that I invested into the house and years of happy family time we would have enjoyed there that was planned for many years.