Lies Dismissed, Case Closed, No Monitor, No Mail Or Money

February 8th, 2024

I have had apparent I D theft since I was lied about to DCFS almost 15 years ago so I often do time lines to prove the injustice done.

Time Line

1959, Nov 4th is my birthday

1981, Feb 9th I got sober in AA and I am still sober to this day and will have 39 years sober tomorrow.

1979 to 1996 I worked on films, television movies and T V Shows as a Costume Supervisor and Costume Designer

1977 I started studying to write Screenplays, and took courses and read many books for this over the years, in addition to working in the film industry where I learned how to make movies and write them and wrote a Screen Play in 2004

1987 I was nominated for an Emmy as Best Costume Designer

1988 I bought a townhome/condo in Studio City, CA

1991 Aug. I got married

1991 I had my first daughter

1992 Bought a house in Valley Glen

1995 I had my second daughter

1997 Moved to the suburbs, bought a tract home house there.

1999 I got a Real Estate Liscense Nancy G. Fox-Taylor

2000 Got legally seperated. I got full physical custody of my two daughters in the Custody Agreement my ex their Dad and I agreed to and did a legal seperation that was like a divorce with all assets and community property split etc. This was filed in The Van Nuys Courthouse in Van Nuys, CA

2001 My mother told me she wanted to live with my two daughters and I, as her old age plan, I told her I would sell our two story because it had 4 bedrooms upstairs and buy a one story home for her to live with us. I shopped for the house from 2001 to 2005 when I bought a one story.

2004 I refinanced the two story to take money out to finish updating it to list it and sell it in the spring real estate market of 2005 and I started working on my fico score in 2004 to buy a house in 2005 for my mom to live with us and for large bedrooms for my two daughters for teenage years and College years.

2004 Sept. Took my older daughter to a concert for her 13th birthday to see an All American popular band she loves.

2004 I wrote my screenplay entitled ” Angels Anonymous” I got up and wrote it from 4 am to 7 am. This was also the time I got up and worked as a realtor selling homes from 4 am to 7 am for years to build up my real estate business. I searched for new listings and emailed buyers and sellers from 4 am to 7 am as a single mom realtor paying the bills alone like a full time mother, I drove my daughters to and from School and helped at their School, Advertised there and paid for a Voice Mail Message System for the School as a realtor advertising etc.

2005 Jan to Feb I had the updating to the two story house by the loan I put in for in 2004, I had paint, carpet and new tile done to list and sell the two story house.

2005 Feb 27th I had my 20 Year Sober AA party at our two story house with the new paint carpet tile done from 2 pm to 5 pm and had a band play who played at the concert Sept 2004 we went to for my daughters 13th Birthday.

2005 I listed the two story house the day after the party at the end of Feb 05

2005 A house came back on the market I had been interested in as it fit my buyers criteria and was similar to several other houses I had written contingent offers on over the years I was looking for my own house as the buyer and as a realtor. I wrote an offer on this house and it was accepted, I put the $40,000.000 deposit down I had in my bank account from selling homes and opened escrow, and my two daughters and mom loved the house and approved of it to live there during the escrow. I got loan approval with Countrywide with a mortgage broker team, a man and woman we knew from my childrens School, and my mom said she wanted to go on the house with me and when I told them they said great, that would save money on my monthly payment by her using her assets. My mom went with me to the escrow office and was added to my purchase contract, and we opened a joint account at Downey Savings because she was going on the house, where I already had a checking account Nancy Fox. I got a swing loan on my two story, a loan against it to borroy my equity from it, and my swing loan equity money went in the joint savings my mom and I opened at Downey Savings, so her name was on my money. I transferred my money to escrow to buy the one story and did, I transferred my swing loan equity money to my Downey Checking Nancy Fox and used my money to update the one story before we moved in , that closed escrow around June 15th, 2005.

2005 I sold the two story for $750,000.000 and paid off my swing loan I got against it to buy my one story with my Sellers Proceeds as a realtor selling and buying their own propertys I did Seller Net Sheets, and Buyer Net Sheets and figured it all out as I did for my buyers and sellers on the MLS as a real estate expert and my payment was around $3,000.00 a month and a second loan was about $100.00 a month that I could afford with my real estate income as I sold many homes and had four real estate listings usually and made a good income as a real estate agent single mom. I planned to double my real estate income starting in 2009 as my older daughter turned 18 then, and thats the year I was set up by lies to DCFS that ruined the plan. In 2005 I updated the one story with my equity I made selling my two story and did hardwood and pavers before we moved in. I bought family room furniture we needed as the one story was about 700 square feet bigger then the two story home but it was in the same suburb City we had lived in starting in 1997, the same side of that City in Los Angeles County in California and the same School District, the same area where I sold real estate and the house felt like a Screenplay writers retreat and it felt serene being a long time sober AA lady that was my criteria, a serene house with a spiritual feeling, a writers retreat, a house large enough for my family to be comfortable in,,large bedrooms for my daughters, a one story for my mom etc and a great location to sell homes from etc etc. I bought furniture for the family room and dining area in 2005, a couch, and dining room table, rod iron chairs for the table and breakfast bar and I bought chair cushions for the rod iron chairs, and breakfast bar stools I measured for and a desk I measured for that went by the dining room table for my kids to do homework on lap tops and for me to sell homes from in the dining room that was in the family room that opened to the kitchen, so I set up our family living space to enjoy our family life there, and I went to Pier One and bought the 6 chair cushions I measured for and two floor pillows I saw out of the same fabric that matched for my kids to sit on in the family room, and for Birthday Partys and I bought two ratten chairs at Pier One, to have the family room Ready Set To Live In. I spent about two thousand on the family room, dining area on furniture we needed for our family living area and the rest of our furniture was from our other house. I even put up the same curtains etc. and the house looked wonderful and I planned to never move

2005 The mail box was broken off the post smashed onto the ground in front of our new house that was not new it was built in 1986 or 1987 and it was around 2500 square feet up a private driveway with laden Oak trees and Chuch Bells chiming and a split rail fence and dirt path as a homey down to earth house for my family.

2006 The mail box was broken off the post again, and smashed onto the ground.

2006 May 9th my Toyota Highlander was broken into and my daughters Royal Academy of Dance ballet bag was stolen and she was 11 years old. My real estate listing portfolio was stolen that I listed homes with, $500.00 of property was stolen by the car break in, a felony crime.

2008 Stalkers stalked our house and street and mail box and parked.

2008 Labor Day our cats went missing when stalkers had been there.

2009. Stalkers seemed to turn when I turned the corner, drove next to me when I drove my daughters to School etc. and being a psychic I started doing Angel Board readings in 2008 and 2009 to see who was stalking? I was afraid they were kidnappers after my daughters, I thought it might be a realtor after my real estate business since my listing portfolio was stolen and I said I don’t have any enemys who could be stalking? and it also seemed as hate crimes when there is nothing to hate about me.

2009 Spring. A sibling I had not seeen or spoken to since Christmas Day 08 lied I was sucidal when I have never been in my life and he lied then my other sibling lied to DCFS who lives over 5 hours away, who I had not seen since Christmas Day 08. DCFS came when my Toyota Highlander had broken down, and looked a messy pantry cupboard in the kitchen and I thought I would never see DCFS again as I am over nice calm patient person and sober since Feb 9th, 1995 and don’t do anything wrong. I told them I was owed back child support, about $120,000.00 and my car broke down and CPS had come for my ex in 2005 because of shoving he did, and there we did a restraining order in 2005, and he punched me in 1995 and went to Anger Management Classes in 1995 and I never hit back, I never hit anyone in my life as I do not fight. In 2005 CPS came and said your fine you are with your mom mostly and they signed off those CPS papers that were for my ex a year later, and no case file was opened, no Court Hearing or anything.

2005 I was legally divorced in the Ventura County Court, the legal seperation from Jan 2000 and Custody Agreement full physical custody Nancy G. Fox-Taylor the Mom was filed there in the divorce as we lived in both Countys by County Line, L A County and Ventura County, CA. Custodial Parent Nancy G. Fox-Taylor. I restored my maiden name which is Nancy Gail Fox. I go by Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor and I had trouble changing my name places for awhile.

2007 fall the real estate market slowed, there was a Global Financial Crisis and no one could get a loan to buy a house from the end of fall 07 to spring 09. My mom got memory loss May 2008 and lost her Drivers License and I took about 15 or 18 hours a week off real estate selling time to drive my mom around in 2008, and we were stalked on top of it, therefore my income suffered in 2008 as a financial hardship due to circumstances and it suffered because I was worried stalkers were after my two beautiful daughters.

2009 I was lied about to DCFS and set up right at the time my mom was to be moving in. I would have driven her car and sold many homes and carried on happily ever after in our happy family home I bought for us to live in as a family forever. The DCFS case file ruined my 10 year realtor business I had built up and I lost almost half a million I invested in the house. Relatives did not want me driving my moms car to drive my kids around and to sell homes even though my mom had no Drivers Liscense. I had 4 Real Estate listings at this time in spring 09, I referred them to an agent a man, to get a referal fee and worked on a movie as Costume Supervisor to have a rental car and money to get unstuck, The shoot was about 1 month, and the day after the movie wrapped DCFS called and said they were taking my kids by emergency custody, and said there is no emergency, what is the reason? and was told because you have not been to therapy and no one had called to ask if I had been to therapy. My younger daughter as at her Dads for Summer Visitation we agreed on in The Ventura County Court so she was already there for the summer, from about June to Sept. and they did not needed emergency custody in July 05 and took my two daughters to their dads in North Hollywood, 40 minutes east of our suburb City we had lived in 12 years then, and my older daughter was almost 18 years old an adult age, and DCFS said you will find out why in Court this week. At Court I saw pages of lies, a lie my sister told, lies from anonymous callers, and the lies were DISMISS without prejudice. My older daughter DISMISS from Case, because she turned the adult age of 18 in Sept 09. I ended up staying at my moms in Sherman Oaks to look after her there since the plans for her to move in with my two daughters and I were ruined by the lies to DCFS. I was told to go to Parenting Class and to Drug Alcohol Test even though my sobriety was listed as my ASSETT, and I was told to go to alot of AA meetings to socialize so I Complied, Complied, Complied and went to Parenting Class, and drug alcohol tested which I had never done before in my life being an AA old timer, long time sober lady, and I went to 2 or 3 AA Meetings a day in 2009 and 2010 to comply comply comply to get my daughters custody.

Fall 2009 I was taken for a psych eval for psychic crime tips I wrote that were because I was worried the stalkers were kidnappers after my daughters etc. and I was worried a human sex traffick or kiddy porn ring or rapists had lied about me to DCFS who were after my daughters. I wrote a list marked Psychic Anonymous Tips, that listed Angel Board crime tips I had received since 2008 when stalking went on at our house, and I channel wrote Prophetic tips by Jesus Christ, and I gave facts of stalkers Liscense Plates and School addressses as I thought kidnappers were after my daughters so I had a psych eval for psychic tips and Prophet writing.

2009 Nov 6th, I had a Court Hearing at the psych eval and was ruled ” A worried mom who reported a list of psychic crime tips to protect her daughters who has spiritual insight since age 11 and who is sober in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous a very long time since Feb 9th, 1985 ruled a ” Concerned Citizen” ” Ruled NOT gravely disabled NOT a danger to herself or others.

2009 Also, Nov 6th, my older daughter was the adult age of 18 at this time.

2010 July I brought my Certificate Review Hearing Form that ruled me ” A concerned citizen” etc at the Court Hearing Nov 6th, 2009 to Court, 5 copies as advised, and I brought my Parenting Class Certificate etc and showed I complied with everything. I thought I would get custody of my daughter who was 15 years old and her Dad got custody. It said No Monitor.

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