Nice Parents Set Up To CPS DCFS Do Not Receive Their Money Even When The Not Needed Case Files Are Closed


My readings say some at banks say they do not understand why Miss N Fox thought she could afford her house she bought in 2005? they were told it was far too much, and she did all that without thinking in many detailed reports, that show her spending, and they are told any mom who has a CPS DCFS case file cannot have their own money even after the case file closes, they are told they did something wrong, and that they are bad persons because of the way they spent money so they take it all and set them up to be a CPS DCFS case file because of the way they spend money, shown in text email logs, bank reports, statements, deposit slips, etc. and now banks are told stop blacklisting nice moms with false allegations done behind their backs, why do they not have their own money when they are set up to be not needed case files at CPS DCFS? and why do you keep taking it all when the not needed case files are closed?

Banks are told they open case files based on spending, and on not spending also, and they decide on parenting skills by how a parent spends money, and the parents never hear a word about it, its done by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and by debt to income ratios by tax return statements, the net income not the gross, and by texts emails they log, to see what a mom is doing or not doing, and go by those records, and not by a moms saved work emails ever they say, they say thats just to pretend they are working their fake, when nothing the moms do is fake, they are nice honest people,and do not pretend to do anything, readings say these evil framer who frame nice mothers always lie a mom is pretending when they never are, they are honest sincere people who never pretend, what you see is what you get with the moms they frame who are honest good hard working people doing things the way they have worked for them with money, and budgeting, and spending and financial plans, that always worked for them and would have kept working just fine if they had not been set up to CPS DCFS and robbed blind. Readings say the spy cam committees get texts and emails and change them all to frame moms, and they mark up credit reports, papers etc cut them up paste in fraud, and they are trained to frame nice moms to banks and money has nothing to do with parenting, CPS DCFS is for parents who are child endangering, and if someone thought a mom had a money spending problem that would be a simple phone call, and a financial planning meeting, to solve problems to answer questions about how and why they did what ? and what their plans are with money, and future finances, what is their debt to income ratio, and that could just be filling out a form emailed out mailed or faxed, moms should be treated like grown up adults with respect and not have people sneaking around lying about how and why they did what when its none of their business and when they do not know the moms plan, or what she was thinking and doing as much as all in a moms head.

Readings say they say why did Miss N Fox think she could afford that house in 2005?

I got loan approval for the purchase price is why from Regency Brokerage, they got me loan approval with Countrywide.

I had $368,000.00 in equity in my two story home in 2005 is why.

I bought the 1 mil dollar house with my equity from my two story is why.

I bought it with my real estate income also, and wrote the $40,000.00 3 % deposit check I had in the bank, I made 150 thousand selling homes in 2005 and 140 thousand in 2004, and I always had alot of real estate listings and buyers and sold many homes is why.

I had a 790 fico score I had worked on since 2004.

I qualified with my stated income for the purchase price of $1,037,000.00 in 2005 May.

I bought it with a swing loan my equity I borrowed from my two story home. I sold my two story for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan from my seller proceeds in escrow.

I shopped for the house from 2001 to 2005 and I shopped for a house that had the right floorplan and square footage for my family, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us and decided in 2005 I am selling and buying.

I planned to rent her house for her in Sherman Oaks or sell it,so she would have had a $5,000.00 a month income living in our house instead of an elder care for $7,000.00 a month 1 million a year.

I planned to double my real estate income to $300.000.00 a year from 2009 to 2013 the years my daughters turned 18.

I got a neg am loan knowing by the time it went up my income would be higher as my daughters would be adult ages by that time when I could work more hours. That was in 2009 when my older daughter turned 18 started driving and College, and in 2009 my mom was going to move in, and she would have been under our roof, with a maid/care giver with her Ranchito rent money was the plan, then I could have started working more hours in 2009 and increased my income then, probably to $250,000.00 a year or so as I had 4 listings in May 2009 when I was lied about and set up to DCFS, and 2 of the seller where buying houses, so I had 6 sales I would have made by the work I had going in May 2009 and I lost the money I spent and invested into those listings, because I was set up to DCFS in May 2009 by lies. My whole financial plan I had going was ruined, as I said I planned to double my income to $300.000.00 a year by my 10 year all referal busines I built up from 1999 to 2009, and I planned to get real estate referal fees the rest of my life and all the years of time and energy and money spent and invested in my real estate business was lost because of lies told to DCFS about an over nice good mom.

I lost almost half a million I invested in my house I bought in 2005, I bought a million dollar house in an estate neighborhood, the smallest least exspensive house in an estate neighborhood where custom estates were larger and higher priced, a great investment for my money, as I knew the house would double by my upgrading it and adding on.

I planned to add a guest unit and restroom that would have had its own private entrance, and I planned to rent it for $1,500.00 a month that could have paid half the mortgage payment, and I thought it may be for a care giver maid for my Mom, free rent in exchange for care giving, plus some money from her rental income from Ranchito Ave. so I had many future financial plans,

I planned to refinance the house into my name alone once I doubled my income, and worked on my fico score again and had 1.7 or higher appraisal, and this was all very planned by me, I would have refied to a fixed 40 year loan in my name alone, and had $1,500.00 rental income if need be, as I think like a real estate investor, and made many great plans with my real estate expertise, so thats why I was not worried as many plans for the house. ‘Why would I worry ? when I sold many homes and made a good living as a realtor, and the more you work the more you make, and I planned to work more when my daughters were 18 year old adults, and when my mom moved in which she never did. Neg am loans are to keep payments low for people who plan to make more money later, and I got a neg am loan in 2005 and the payment was $3,000.00 a month so I was not worried at all, as our other house payment was about the same.

I spent money updating the two story house to sell it to buy another house, and plannned it all out and did exterior paint and new garage doors in 2000 and a new tile roof in around 2001 and tile floors downstairs in 2002, landscaped, and had carpet paint tile done in Feb 05 to sell it, to buy another house so this was all very planned out.

I bought a one story that was dated, but it was in the same city and School disrict we had been in since 1997. I updated the flooring and guest bath before we moved in around July 1st 2005 with my equity line swing loan money I got from my two story house, as I bought an original custom home built in 1976 that needed updating, but it was in good condition. Our furniture from our two story house looked great in the one story house living room, I had done our two story house somewhat Shabby Shek, couches with Martha Stewart off white slip covers, as I am great with decorating with a budget, and know how to save money this way, and I bought the living room furniture from a condo Sellers property I sold for a good price, and I had alot of furniture my sellers gave me when I sold their house, tables a desk someone brought me, and I only bought family room dining room furniture and spent about $2,500.00 on that needed family room furnture at Pier One, and Bombay and Rod Iron stores. and the rest of the furniture we had since 1992, antiques etc. many of the same pictures on the walls, curtain rods curtains were hung from our two story house I sold all done very COST EFFECTIVE as I love decorating and am good at doing things without spending alot of money. I learned alot looking at so many homes and estates also, and even thought of having a Home Staging Business at one point years ago.

Why did I know I could afford the purchase price I was approved for? in 2005. it was a great location to sell homes and estates from as I had sold homes in the neighborhoods all around there since 1999 when I became a realtor and I was a few minutes or 1 minute away from those tracts, and I knew I would sell estates where we lived as realtors usually sell homes where they live, I sold 10 homes in the two story house neighborhood, and I sold 2 estates in 2008 in our neighborhood, and had a listing for 1.8.

The house was productive and convenient, and a great location for seling homes and estates, and great for my other careers as I am a Screenplay writer, and a Song Lyric Writer, and it felt very creative there as a writer, and I planned to continue doing my other careers there which I could have made millions doing which would have been icing on the cake, nothing is impossible in the eyes of God.

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