They Lie Moms Do Things Without Thinking To Steal Their Money and Kids From Them

June 20th, 2024

They frame moms by a framing tactic ” they lie the moms did things without thinking” to take their mail and money and to do I D theft to them etc. my readings say they do this to many mothers and did this to me by gang stalker women who say they are On Patrol, who frame moms and by fake Evaluators who do false evaluations and set the moms up to their secret CPS court and to CPS DCFS etc. by all lying, then take the papers with lies to banks and post offices, and lie they need to take the mothers money because they did things without thinking, when it was all thought out, planned, budgeted, and calculated.

My readings say they did this to me, and that they lie I updated a house fast without thinking in 2005, bought a house without thinking, updated it and bought furniture for it without thinking, and updated it in 2007 fall without thinking etc. when it was all thought out, planned, budgeted for and calculated, my readings say they framed me to banks and post offices with lies, and take my money and mail this way, and my paypal for over 11 years by hacking, and tell people if any mom had a case file she should not have her own money and mail ? When nice moms are framed and there should never be a case file.

I am sober in AA since Feb 9th, 1985, and I started updating my two story house with the plans to sell it in 2000, and updated until 2005 when I sold and bought a house as planned. Updating my house to sell it was my plan for 5 years, in 2004 I decided 2005 is the year I am selling and buying, and I applied to refi my two story in 2004 to take out twenty thousand to finish updating it,and I decided that was what I was spending, and calculated it,and that was my budget I decided on, twenty grand. and when the loan funded in Feb 2005 I got the work done, paint and tile and I had new carpet put in as planned to list it to sell it to buy another house, a one story house or a bedroom down. I listed the house as planned the end of Feb 05, in April I saw a house on the Real Estate MLS I was interested in that met my buyers criteria I searched with since 2001 when I started looking for the right house, and the house I liked went into escrow, and I studied it, and it met my buyers criteria, and it was in the same suburb City we had lived in since 1997 and the same School District, and I showed a house on the Street in 2000 so I knew all about the house and the location by the MLS as that is how realtors find a home, and I got my real estate liscense in 1999 and sold many homes and I was a real estate expert in the top 100 agents buying and selling my own houses. The house came back on the market in May 2005 so I wrote an offer and it was accepted, I had the 3 % deposit in the bank from selling homes, and opened escrow on the house for about 1 million and ran my Buyers Net Sheet to see my payment was around $3,000.00 and I ran my Sellers Net Sheet to see I would net $386,000.00 selling my house, and planned it all out, what I would make selling, and what my payment would be buying as a real estate expert who did this for my buyers and sellers all the time and I did it for myself. I borrowed the money from my two story to buy the one story by getting a swing loan, that is where you borrow your equity the money you will make selling your house to buy another house, then the house you are selling closes escrow and you pay off the money you borrowed to buy the new house, and that is what I did in 2005 and planned it all out very efficently as a real estate expert, and I updated the house I bought as it was all orginal, and I planned to buy a dated home to update it the way I wanted it to look, and I wrote offers on similar houses from 2001 to 2005 orginal houses that needed updating, as that way you get a good price when you buy, then update it with your money, that saves on property taxes having a lower purchase price also, and I planned to do this updating to an original house , the others were fixer uppers that I wrote offers on that needed about $150.000.00 in work and the house I bought with my two story house equity and real estate commision earnings did not need work, it was in good condition, just dated from 1976, so I had flooring put in and redid the guest bath before we moved in in the summer of 2005, and I bought the smallest custom built home in an estate neighborhood that had estates three times the size for millions, so I knew it was a great investment, to buy a small house that was original house in a neighborhood estate tract with more expensive homes, and I planned to add on and continue updating it knowing it would be worth 2 million so I was very happy I found the perfect house after 4 years of searching for it, and I qualified to buy the house with my stated income, my fico score I worked on since 2004 of 790 as I planned to buy in 05, and I got the down payment from my two story house that was listed for sale, and I got about $300,000.00 or $350,000.00 from my two story by a swing loan, then I updated it with my two story house equity money as planned, and I budgeted for that work the same way I did on the two story as I learned alot about updating houses,and furnishing and decorating them by being a realtor looking at so many houses all the time, and I love decorating and did this to other properties I owned also, as that is the way I am, a person who wants to make a house look as good as you can with your budget. I bought furniture for the family room dining area and spent about $2,500.00 on furniture, all budgeted for, planned, and calculated for by lists and a calculator and a measuring tape as I am a big planner and thinker, and I bought what I planned with a measuring tape, and got the house ready set to live in, and the rest of the furniture we already had.



In fall 2007 I applied to refi my loan by a streamline loan, that is where you refi your loan balance for a good interest rate and you don’t take money out, the balance is the same. I was doing debt consolodation at this time in fall 2007, paying things off, and trying to do a streamline refi on the house, to prepare for the real estate slow in the market , the Global Financial Crisis being a responsible parent and home owner, I was getting prepared for this planning ahead as that is the way I am, and the mortgage brokers told me to update the house some more for the appraisal for the steamline refi, so I made a list of what I wanted to do, and decided to take out florecent lights in the kitchen and my bathroom, to raise the ceiling and put crown molding in that I bought myself at Home Depot by measurements, and had that update done, and bought two mirrors I needed for my master bath update, and went to Home Goods for decorating items as the mortgage broker told me to go to Home Goods, so this work in fall 2007 was all done by planning, a budget and calculator and my my creative vision as a person who loves decorating, and this was for the streamline appraisal in fall 2007, that needed to be 1.7 but was not unfortunately, and in 2006 it was $1,450,000.00 and this house I loved with my heart and soul and planned to never move, and I planned to continue updating until it was worth 2 million, and I was so happy I found the perfect house that was just what I wanted after 4 years of searching for it on the MLS after writing many offers on other houses, and this was it, perfect, and I enjoy updating houses, and decorating, and I had many plans for this house I did not get to carry out as gang stalker liar vandalizer cat napper thief liars ran us out after I worked so hard to buy this house, as I put my heart and soul into our two story house for years to sell it to get a good price to buy another house with the money as that is what I enjoy doing also as you can see, and I was one constantly running numbers, planning upgrades, figuring out what to do next to make the houses look their best with my heart and soul, and then we were run out of the house and I have obvious I D Theft since.

My readings say they are lying I did all that without thinking when all I do is think.

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