
June 17th, 2024

I D Theft Gang Stalkers Do To Targeted Individuals

Medium For God DBA

For years I have written fact letters that explain me an over nice sincere patient better than average Mom was set up to DCFS, after 4 years of prior gang stalking, vandalism, theft and an apparent cat napping went on to work against me and our happy family life I built up, to set me up by lies to do I D theft as I do not receive mail and money as I should for 15 years since this was done to me as I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were dismissed without prejudice so for years I have explained I think someone may be using fraud incorrect DCFS papers to steal my money as after the not needed case was closed I saw incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and I feel my money may be stolen by incorrect DCFS papers, that are wrong, as they said the mother did not provide her psych eval from UCLA when I was not at UCLA and I provided my psych eval diagnois done by a Mental Health Court hearing, and a lie that was dismissed a year before the case was closed in July 2010 was back in the incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and was told the last day of Court there were no papers, the case was being dismissed, and it was, and closed, then I saw papers with mistakes that I never recieved and than having obvious I D Theft after that it seems I D Theft is done to me by incorrect papers, and that I figured out with logic and facts of what was done, an over nice mom was set up then I have I D Theft since, that is logical and obvious to me the victim it’s been done to.

My readings say Yes, they steal my money by incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes and they planned it out to do I D Theft to me as after this was done 15 years ago I started my new business Medium For God and changed my career and proffesion to that of a Medium, and before that I was working as a Realtor for 10 years and made a good living selling many homes and provided well for my daughters and the DCFS case file ruined my 10 year realtor business I had built up in the suburbs where we lived for 12 years, and it ran us out of town,back to The San Fernando Valley where I am from, so I started my new business in Sherman Oaks, California where I was raised, and do my Medium For God business on the internet for 15 years from The San Fernando Valley, and mail and money does not reach me as it should, or work from my resumes’ I have sent since 2009, and paypal does not reach me as it should for over 11 years, and my readings say, Yes, they are stealiing all your Medium For God mail, money and paypal by incorrect papers with mistakes, and planned it out to do I D Theft to steal everything sent for your psychic ability, and have stolen 19 years of my Angel Board channeling jobs, and money by this stalking liar vandalism group for 19 years, and that many did this before then, some because they do not want me to have my psychic questions sent in the mail, because they commit the crimes that questions sent are about, and thats human traffick, fgm, depopulation, gang stalking on spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and security cameras, organized crimes.




Readings say in Feb 2005 they stole an angel board channeling job sent for me that said for Nancy Fox for your in born psychic gift to answer crime tip questions privately and they stole it in a UPS, and in Feb 2005 I was told in an Angel Board reading “Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race”as my second Mom a neighbor I grew up next door to on Ranchito Ave. died, and contacted an Angel Board reader and spelled out ” I died I have to speak to Nancy Fox” a million times over on her Angel Board, so I went and did the Angel Board reading in early Feb 2005, and readings say an Angel Board job was sent to me due to this divine intervention from heaven that brought me that message.

In 2005 I got alot done and accomplished to much I set out to do and planned for, as in 2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, and I decided in 2004 I am going on a low carb diet and loosing weight and doing a make over on myself, and I decided I was going to finish updating our two story house with new carpet, tile, and paint to have it ready to List, and did all of this work starting at the end of 2004 and accomplished what I set out to do. I did refinance paperwork on the two story house in 2004 and spent 20 thousand of that money in Feb 2005 updating the house to sell it, I started working on my fico score in 2004 to qualify to buy a house in 2005, and I started the low carb diet in 2004 and lost weight, and got back to my regular size in 2005, and I did my skin at a dermatologist in my planned out make over I did on myself, and later I capped my teeth and whitened them in 2005. I went shopping and bought new clothes for my regular size, as I got back to my normal weight by the low carb diet, so I built up a new closet of clothes in 2005 to work in and to socialize in, and the make over was a sucess and I was so happy about it, and updating the two story house went well, and was a sucess also, as I got the 20 thousand out in the refi from 2004 and when the loan funded I got the work done in about 10 days, and had gone to a tile store, carpet store, and picked everything out and was all prepared, to have the updating to the house done, and it went very well and was done in about 10 days or 2 weeks in Feb 2005. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party at the 2 story house since it looked so good, and because my AA Birthday is Feb 9th, and I thought I might as well have a party with the new carpet, tile,and paint before I list and sell the house, and did on Feb 27th, 2005. Then I found a house I was interested in on the MLS in April 2005 as I was a realtor looking for their own house to buy and had looked for a house since 2001 and wrote many contingent offers on houses before then. The house I wanted to see went into escrow, and then in the middle of May it came back on the market, so we went to see it that day, and they happen chance had an Open House, and I loved it as I felt I would when I first saw it listed, and wrote an offer that was accepted, had the 40 thousand 3 % deposit in the bank, and got a loan approval letter from Countrywide, and I got a swing loan from my 2 story house to buy it, for the deposit, a swing loan is where you borrow your home equity from your house you have listed to sell. I opened escrow, and my swing loan money from my 2 story house went into a Downey Savings savings account, then I transferred it to my checking account there Nancy Fox, and bought the one story house with my two story house money, and then wrote checks from my Nancy Fox checking account, and updated the one story house before we moved in around July 1st, 2005. Then I sold the two story house for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan I borrowed against it with my Seller Proceeds, and everything went so well that I set out to do and planned for in 2004, and I got so much accomplished by a lot of hard work, time, and energy and sold many homes and estates also that year, and then the stalkers started ruining it all, as in 2005 after moving into the one story house the mail box in front of the house was broken onto the ground, this vandalism was done again in spring 2006 and my suv was broken into that was parked in our one story house driveway, and property was stolen, stalkers stalked, parked, cats went missing etc. and worked against all I worked so hard for and accomplished and just the stalking ruined my real estate income, as I was stalked when I was driving also, and it was negative energy that ruined the serene great ambiance in the one story house, and by stalking alone I lost almost half a million of my money I invested into the house, as they ruined the value of it, as they caused negative vibes, and got cootys on the property is what I say to myself, and I was asked are you under surveillance? when stalking went on in 2008 or 2009 and I said ” no I would never be under surveillance? I am sober in AA a very long time? ” as AA’s don’t lie, cheat or steal, I do not drink or do drugs since 1985, I got sober Feb 9th, 1985 and work a 12 step spiritual program, to be the best person I can be, and I am over honest, and there would never be a reason for surveillance on a person like me. Surveillance would ruin a homes equity, and it lost its value by all of this, as it ruined it. I bought it because it felt serene, and had laden Oak trees, a covered porch, Church bells chiming, and a private driveway to be peaceful and private, and the house had felt so good and wonderful, and I bought it for that feeling in the house, and for our family home as it had the perfect floorplan, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us as she told me that what she wanted to do in 2001, and thats the reason I started shopping for the one story house then, and it had large bedrooms for my two daughters with a large bathroom with double sinks, and alot of cabinet space, and a laundry room inbetween their bedrooms, so it was perfect for my two daughters in their teenage young adult years, and it felt like a writers retreat, and it felt so spiritual and serene, it was just what I was looking for since 2001, as I decided I wanted to buy a house with a spiritual ambiance with a clay tile roof to have a certain look and feeling, and shopped for the house for 4 years as said, I shopped for it everyday on the realtor MLS as a realtor looking for their own house, and wrote offers on similar houses over those years when I was looking, and bought the perfect house that was just what I was looking for with a perfect floorplan I loved, and it was in the same City as our two story house that we had lived in for over 8 years, so same suburb City, same School district, the perfect floorplan for our family home, and a great feeling it had, and I planned to never move, I said ” Last House!” ” I am never moving again” then the stalkers ruined it, then set me up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009, then the lies were dismissed without prejudice in 2009, and it said ” the Mom has major life stressors” that’s what the stalker, vandalizer, car break in thieves probable cat nappers and liars who lied to DCFS caused. I am the victim it was done to, and thats not a reason for a DCFS case file, as there should not be a DCFS case file on an over nice Mom who does nothing wrong. It ruined our happy family suburb home in the area where we lived for over 12 years, and it ruined my 10 year realtor business I built up there so in 2010 I started my new business Medium For God in The San Fernando Valley, in Sherman Oaks, and have worked from Sherman Oaks, Encino, and Noho, and my business is obviously robbed, and I feel its the gang stalkers who are robbing me with incorrect DCFS papers that have a dismissed without prejudice lie and mistakes, papers I saw weeks after the case was closed that were wrong, and incorrect and I have felt this for years, that thats how I D Theft is being done as a Targeted Individual.

Stereotyping Mom’s

Medium For God DBAJune 17, 2024

Reading Tips

The banks say they run people out of their house by how they are behaving, such as decorating, updating their house, working by texts emails faxes and not calling out, trying on clothes, dancing etc they judge people who are just being themselves and lie they are having wrong when they ared and was done spending she bought a house furniture to have for years built up a closet if clothes to wear for years and all was needed clothes in the right size after a diet furniture for the family to set on and they frame Mom’s with what they spend their own money on




If they look good in new clothes going out they stereotype the Mom’s and lie a hot sexy mom going out carousing when they don’t have casual sex or flings hate pornography are not vulgar don’t flirt in line or text men with symbols like many women do, they are not this way and many do not drink and most do no drugs and they are doing nothing wrong just wearing a nice outfit out somewhere totally stone cold sober and they describe them wrong Stereotype Mom’s who are nothing they say then set them up with lies then take DCFS CPS papers to banks and lie the good great wonderful Mom’s they slandered stereotyped and set up are very bad persons and say at banks see the DCFS CPS papers this mom can’t have her own money ?

More Reading Tips

My reading says someone slandered me with second hand heresay lies, with 10 lies. I am reporting what my readings says.

They lied Nancy Fox was out carousing when I was at an AA Convention at the Hyatt between 2005 to 2008 in Westlake Village. They lied it was a hot shing ding or something like this to give a false impression of a long time sober AA lady at an AA Convention.

They told the same lies when I went to an AA Convention in Burbank, in 2005, and said it was wrong I brought my teenage daughter and her friends. My reading says.

They lied I was hanging out with a man at a house in Lake Lindero, in 2006 or 2007,when I was doing Real Estate paperwork on a house I Listed as the Real Estate Agent. My reading says the report says I was there 4 hours. I was working.

They lied I was hanging out with friends at a house on a corner in Lake Lindero when I was at a Real Estate Inspection at a House I sold as the Buyers Agent. I was working.

They said I went to see my and my daughters Guitar teachers band at the Troubadour in 2005.

They said I brought my older daughter when she was about 15 and her friend to see the band in 2005.

She said shes out being wild dancing at the Buddha Restaurant in Agoura Hills. I went to dinner with a real estate customer girlfriend who invited me to dinner on a Sat. night when my daughters were at their Dad’s. My real estate customer girlfriend and I had dinner, then she wanted to dance, so we danced to a couple songs at on the Buddha Restaurant dance floor. I went home alone stone cold sober.

She lied she was not working hard enough to own the house that cost too much ( my payment was $3,200.00 a month, not too much) and in 2007 said shes not calling out enough, when I was working by texts, emails, and fax in the day showing listings buyers etc. In 2007 I was showing an Estate listing I had for 1.8 down the Street, that I showed 3 to 5 times a day several days a week and I waited at our house texting the appointments with buyers, and texting the seller, and I showed it to many who called on the Sign also. I was very busy showing that listing many times a day and other listings, and working on Escrows I had going with homes I sold. I was working.



My readings says this person plotted to rob my real estate business out from under me, and psychic jobs and money, and readings say she does I D Theft to me for years, has hackers send her my paypal they rob, stole rent money by hacking a rent payment link, and steals my UPS Fed Ex gifts, and alot that is mine.

My readings say she also lied ” she’s not worried about money at all” because I said ” I am not going to worry about money, I turn it over to God, I know God will provide” I say this all the time since 1985 when I got sober in AA, I was working my 12 Step Program.

I was also reading a book then called ” Don’t Worry Make Money”a Positive Thinking Spiritual Book about money.

My readings say she also lied she bought a new living room set and the house looked to posh and prestigous. This was the living room set from our two story house, I DID NOT BUY living room furniture.

and this person calls themself an Evaluator?

My readings say the stalkers who stalked the house that I saw in 2008 to spring 2009 in White BMW’s etc. made false Sterotyping reports and set me up to DCFS in May 2009 by lying. My readings their reports lied ” she wore a hot backless top out on the town and was carousing, and bought sexy rhinestone patton leather sandals, two pairs so fast to look hot” etc. When I bought two backless tops to wear under a jacket I bought, and I never wore a backless top alone and would not. I bought two backless tops at Macys to go under a jacket I bought there, a solid black raw silk top, and a satan off white top with black trim in the front that looked great under the jacket and wore t black pants, these were outfits. I bought two pairs of flat patton leather sandals that has Fireflys on them, that looked spiritual to me, and I bought them at T J Max for about $10.00 each, as I am a size 9 1/2 or 10 shoe, and often buy a few pairs of shoes on sale at once.

Readings say they are lying about clothes I bought that I bought to wear under a sweater or jacket, a white ilet top I bought in 2010 that I wore under a white sweater, and an off A Line dress, knee length, with lace on the back, I only wore under a white sweater.

Readings say all these women do I D theft to me and rob what is mine.

My readings say this so called Evaluator and the On Patrol Women stalkers are stealing my money and send out fraud slanderous reports by Courrier Service that say Top Secretly Done, 5 evaluations by Ms. _____ wood. These enclosed evaluation reports explain why we are taking Miss N. Fox’s earnings and her paypal for many years in addition to her mail, money, ups, fed exes cash app,venmo, bank deposits by keen observation spy cam equipment etc. so please so not listen to or read her so called fact reports as we are proffesional evaluators and do this top secretly. Here is pay for following our demands. etc.

They are sending 5 fraud reports that lie Miss N. Fox bought a house too fast that cost too much in 2005, and was entertaining men there, and saw 4 men during those years, and bought the house and too many clothes so fast without thinking, thereby we are taking her money, mail,paypal etc. due to this for many years.




The reports lie I was with a man in 2005 during the year, and it lies I was with a man in 2009 to 2010 when I was with my one ex boyfriend from Dec 1st, 2005 to Dec. 2007, and he was from out of State and lived in Encino twenty minutes away, a live out boyfriend, a man from the past, that I met in 1987 and dated for 4 months in 1988, and he’s the only boyfriend I have, the only man I have been with since my ex husband 1997. I was not with a man for over 8 years until I got together with the man from the past Dec 1st 2005.

My reading report lies I was a man who was there in 2010, that was an old boyfriend from the mid 1980’s from 12 Step meetings, in 1987 he was my boyfriend, a Teamster, a man I was good friends with when I was in 7th 8th 9th Grade as he lived in my neighborhood and I was friends with him and his family when I was in Middle School, then he was my boyfriend in 1987, an old neighborhood friend I saw in 2009 2010 and we went to Starbucks in Sherman Oaks, Casa Vega Restaurant for dinner, and a restaurant on Westlake Blvd. and he came to see the house and we talked there, but did not get together romantically, he was a friend only, and he passed away about 8 years ago unfortunately.

Another man was a friend only and always only a friend, he’s married and works in the mortgage broker field, and I spoke to him in 2004 or 2005 about working together on mortgage broker real estate deals on the phone, he owns Sober Living Homes for men also, and he came out and bought furniture in 2011? 2012? from the house, and I saw him at Functions also, a nice friend.

My reading says they are robbing me and sending slanderous reports everywhere.


June 17th, 2024

I D Theft Gang Stalkers Do To Targeted Individuals

Medium For God DBA

For years I have written fact letters that explain me an over nice sincere patient better than average Mom was set up to DCFS, after 4 years of prior gang stalking, vandalism, theft and an apparent cat napping went on to work against me and our happy family life I built up, to set me up by lies to do I D theft as I do not receive mail and money as I should for 15 years since this was done to me as I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were dismissed without prejudice so for years I have explained I think someone may be using fraud incorrect DCFS papers to steal my money as after the not needed case was closed I saw incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and I feel my money may be stolen by incorrect DCFS papers, that are wrong, as they said the mother did not provide her psych eval from UCLA when I was not at UCLA and I provided my psych eval diagnois done by a Mental Health Court hearing, and a lie that was dismissed a year before the case was closed in July 2010 was back in the incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and was told the last day of Court there were no papers, the case was being dismissed, and it was, and closed, then I saw papers with mistakes that I never recieved and than having obvious I D Theft after that it seems I D Theft is done to me by incorrect papers, and that I figured out with logic and facts of what was done, an over nice mom was set up then I have I D Theft since, that is logical and obvious to me the victim it’s been done to.

My readings say Yes, they steal my money by incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes and they planned it out to do I D Theft to me as after this was done 15 years ago I started my new business Medium For God and changed my career and proffesion to that of a Medium, and before that I was working as a Realtor for 10 years and made a good living selling many homes and provided well for my daughters and the DCFS case file ruined my 10 year realtor business I had built up in the suburbs where we lived for 12 years, and it ran us out of town,back to The San Fernando Valley where I am from, so I started my new business in Sherman Oaks, California where I was raised, and do my Medium For God business on the internet for 15 years from The San Fernando Valley, and mail and money does not reach me as it should, or work from my resumes’ I have sent since 2009, and paypal does not reach me as it should for over 11 years, and my readings say, Yes, they are stealiing all your Medium For God mail, money and paypal by incorrect papers with mistakes, and planned it out to do I D Theft to steal everything sent for your psychic ability, and have stolen 19 years of my Angel Board channeling jobs, and money by this stalking liar vandalism group for 19 years, and that many did this before then, some because they do not want me to have my psychic questions sent in the mail, because they commit the crimes that questions sent are about, and thats human traffick, fgm, depopulation, gang stalking on spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and security cameras, organized crimes.




Readings say in Feb 2005 they stole an angel board channeling job sent for me that said for Nancy Fox for your in born psychic gift to answer crime tip questions privately and they stole it in a UPS, and in Feb 2005 I was told in an Angel Board reading “Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race”as my second Mom a neighbor I grew up next door to on Ranchito Ave. died, and contacted an Angel Board reader and spelled out ” I died I have to speak to Nancy Fox” a million times over on her Angel Board, so I went and did the Angel Board reading in early Feb 2005, and readings say an Angel Board job was sent to me due to this divine intervention from heaven that brought me that message.

In 2005 I got alot done and accomplished to much I set out to do and planned for, as in 2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, and I decided in 2004 I am going on a low carb diet and loosing weight and doing a make over on myself, and I decided I was going to finish updating our two story house with new carpet, tile, and paint to have it ready to List, and did all of this work starting at the end of 2004 and accomplished what I set out to do. I did refinance paperwork on the two story house in 2004 and spent 20 thousand of that money in Feb 2005 updating the house to sell it, I started working on my fico score in 2004 to qualify to buy a house in 2005, and I started the low carb diet in 2004 and lost weight, and got back to my regular size in 2005, and I did my skin at a dermatologist in my planned out make over I did on myself, and later I capped my teeth and whitened them in 2005. I went shopping and bought new clothes for my regular size, as I got back to my normal weight by the low carb diet, so I built up a new closet of clothes in 2005 to work in and to socialize in, and the make over was a sucess and I was so happy about it, and updating the two story house went well, and was a sucess also, as I got the 20 thousand out in the refi from 2004 and when the loan funded I got the work done in about 10 days, and had gone to a tile store, carpet store, and picked everything out and was all prepared, to have the updating to the house done, and it went very well and was done in about 10 days or 2 weeks in Feb 2005. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party at the 2 story house since it looked so good, and because my AA Birthday is Feb 9th, and I thought I might as well have a party with the new carpet, tile,and paint before I list and sell the house, and did on Feb 27th, 2005. Then I found a house I was interested in on the MLS in April 2005 as I was a realtor looking for their own house to buy and had looked for a house since 2001 and wrote many contingent offers on houses before then. The house I wanted to see went into escrow, and then in the middle of May it came back on the market, so we went to see it that day, and they happen chance had an Open House, and I loved it as I felt I would when I first saw it listed, and wrote an offer that was accepted, had the 40 thousand 3 % deposit in the bank, and got a loan approval letter from Countrywide, and I got a swing loan from my 2 story house to buy it, for the deposit, a swing loan is where you borrow your home equity from your house you have listed to sell. I opened escrow, and my swing loan money from my 2 story house went into a Downey Savings savings account, then I transferred it to my checking account there Nancy Fox, and bought the one story house with my two story house money, and then wrote checks from my Nancy Fox checking account, and updated the one story house before we moved in around July 1st, 2005. Then I sold the two story house for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan I borrowed against it with my Seller Proceeds, and everything went so well that I set out to do and planned for in 2004, and I got so much accomplished by a lot of hard work, time, and energy and sold many homes and estates also that year, and then the stalkers started ruining it all, as in 2005 after moving into the one story house the mail box in front of the house was broken onto the ground, this vandalism was done again in spring 2006 and my suv was broken into that was parked in our one story house driveway, and property was stolen, stalkers stalked, parked, cats went missing etc. and worked against all I worked so hard for and accomplished and just the stalking ruined my real estate income, as I was stalked when I was driving also, and it was negative energy that ruined the serene great ambiance in the one story house, and by stalking alone I lost almost half a million of my money I invested into the house, as they ruined the value of it, as they caused negative vibes, and got cootys on the property is what I say to myself, and I was asked are you under surveillance? when stalking went on in 2008 or 2009 and I said ” no I would never be under surveillance? I am sober in AA a very long time? ” as AA’s don’t lie, cheat or steal, I do not drink or do drugs since 1985, I got sober Feb 9th, 1985 and work a 12 step spiritual program, to be the best person I can be, and I am over honest, and there would never be a reason for surveillance on a person like me. Surveillance would ruin a homes equity, and it lost its value by all of this, as it ruined it. I bought it because it felt serene, and had laden Oak trees, a covered porch, Church bells chiming, and a private driveway to be peaceful and private, and the house had felt so good and wonderful, and I bought it for that feeling in the house, and for our family home as it had the perfect floorplan, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us as she told me that what she wanted to do in 2001, and thats the reason I started shopping for the one story house then, and it had large bedrooms for my two daughters with a large bathroom with double sinks, and alot of cabinet space, and a laundry room inbetween their bedrooms, so it was perfect for my two daughters in their teenage young adult years, and it felt like a writers retreat, and it felt so spiritual and serene, it was just what I was looking for since 2001, as I decided I wanted to buy a house with a spiritual ambiance with a clay tile roof to have a certain look and feeling, and shopped for the house for 4 years as said, I shopped for it everyday on the realtor MLS as a realtor looking for their own house, and wrote offers on similar houses over those years when I was looking, and bought the perfect house that was just what I was looking for with a perfect floorplan I loved, and it was in the same City as our two story house that we had lived in for over 8 years, so same suburb City, same School district, the perfect floorplan for our family home, and a great feeling it had, and I planned to never move, I said ” Last House!” ” I am never moving again” then the stalkers ruined it, then set me up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009, then the lies were dismissed without prejudice in 2009, and it said ” the Mom has major life stressors” that’s what the stalker, vandalizer, car break in thieves probable cat nappers and liars who lied to DCFS caused. I am the victim it was done to, and thats not a reason for a DCFS case file, as there should not be a DCFS case file on an over nice Mom who does nothing wrong. It ruined our happy family suburb home in the area where we lived for over 12 years, and it ruined my 10 year realtor business I built up there so in 2010 I started my new business Medium For God in The San Fernando Valley, in Sherman Oaks, and have worked from Sherman Oaks, Encino, and Noho, and my business is obviously robbed, and I feel its the gang stalkers who are robbing me with incorrect DCFS papers that have a dismissed without prejudice lie and mistakes, papers I saw weeks after the case was closed that were wrong, and incorrect and I have felt this for years, that thats how I D Theft is being done as a Targeted Individual.

Stereotyping Mom’s

Medium For God DBAJune 17, 2024

Reading Tips

The banks say they run people out of their house by how they are behaving, such as decorating, updating their house, working by texts emails faxes and not calling out, trying on clothes, dancing etc they judge people who are just being themselves and lie they are having wrong when they ared and was done spending she bought a house furniture to have for years built up a closet if clothes to wear for years and all was needed clothes in the right size after a diet furniture for the family to set on and they frame Mom’s with what they spend their own money on




If they look good in new clothes going out they stereotype the Mom’s and lie a hot sexy mom going out carousing when they don’t have casual sex or flings hate pornography are not vulgar don’t flirt in line or text men with symbols like many women do, they are not this way and many do not drink and most do no drugs and they are doing nothing wrong just wearing a nice outfit out somewhere totally stone cold sober and they describe them wrong Stereotype Mom’s who are nothing they say then set them up with lies then take DCFS CPS papers to banks and lie the good great wonderful Mom’s they slandered stereotyped and set up are very bad persons and say at banks see the DCFS CPS papers this mom can’t have her own money ?

More Reading Tips

My reading says someone slandered me with second hand heresay lies, with 10 lies. I am reporting what my readings says.

They lied Nancy Fox was out carousing when I was at an AA Convention at the Hyatt between 2005 to 2008 in Westlake Village. They lied it was a hot shing ding or something like this to give a false impression of a long time sober AA lady at an AA Convention.

They told the same lies when I went to an AA Convention in Burbank, in 2005, and said it was wrong I brought my teenage daughter and her friends. My reading says.

They lied I was hanging out with a man at a house in Lake Lindero, in 2006 or 2007,when I was doing Real Estate paperwork on a house I Listed as the Real Estate Agent. My reading says the report says I was there 4 hours. I was working.

They lied I was hanging out with friends at a house on a corner in Lake Lindero when I was at a Real Estate Inspection at a House I sold as the Buyers Agent. I was working.

They said I went to see my and my daughters Guitar teachers band at the Troubadour in 2005.

They said I brought my older daughter when she was about 15 and her friend to see the band in 2005.

She said shes out being wild dancing at the Buddha Restaurant in Agoura Hills. I went to dinner with a real estate customer girlfriend who invited me to dinner on a Sat. night when my daughters were at their Dad’s. My real estate customer girlfriend and I had dinner, then she wanted to dance, so we danced to a couple songs at on the Buddha Restaurant dance floor. I went home alone stone cold sober.

She lied she was not working hard enough to own the house that cost too much ( my payment was $3,200.00 a month, not too much) and in 2007 said shes not calling out enough, when I was working by texts, emails, and fax in the day showing listings buyers etc. In 2007 I was showing an Estate listing I had for 1.8 down the Street, that I showed 3 to 5 times a day several days a week and I waited at our house texting the appointments with buyers, and texting the seller, and I showed it to many who called on the Sign also. I was very busy showing that listing many times a day and other listings, and working on Escrows I had going with homes I sold. I was working.



My readings says this person plotted to rob my real estate business out from under me, and psychic jobs and money, and readings say she does I D Theft to me for years, has hackers send her my paypal they rob, stole rent money by hacking a rent payment link, and steals my UPS Fed Ex gifts, and alot that is mine.

My readings say she also lied ” she’s not worried about money at all” because I said ” I am not going to worry about money, I turn it over to God, I know God will provide” I say this all the time since 1985 when I got sober in AA, I was working my 12 Step Program.

I was also reading a book then called ” Don’t Worry Make Money”a Positive Thinking Spiritual Book about money.

My readings say she also lied she bought a new living room set and the house looked to posh and prestigous. This was the living room set from our two story house, I DID NOT BUY living room furniture.

and this person calls themself an Evaluator?

My readings say the stalkers who stalked the house that I saw in 2008 to spring 2009 in White BMW’s etc. made false Sterotyping reports and set me up to DCFS in May 2009 by lying. My readings their reports lied ” she wore a hot backless top out on the town and was carousing, and bought sexy rhinestone patton leather sandals, two pairs so fast to look hot” etc. When I bought two backless tops to wear under a jacket I bought, and I never wore a backless top alone and would not. I bought two backless tops at Macys to go under a jacket I bought there, a solid black raw silk top, and a satan off white top with black trim in the front that looked great under the jacket and wore t black pants, these were outfits. I bought two pairs of flat patton leather sandals that has Fireflys on them, that looked spiritual to me, and I bought them at T J Max for about $10.00 each, as I am a size 9 1/2 or 10 shoe, and often buy a few pairs of shoes on sale at once.

Readings say they are lying about clothes I bought that I bought to wear under a sweater or jacket, a white ilet top I bought in 2010 that I wore under a white sweater, and an off A Line dress, knee length, with lace on the back, I only wore under a white sweater.

Readings say all these women do I D theft to me and rob what is mine.

My readings say this so called Evaluator and the On Patrol Women stalkers are stealing my money and send out fraud slanderous reports by Courrier Service that say Top Secretly Done, 5 evaluations by Ms. _____ wood. These enclosed evaluation reports explain why we are taking Miss N. Fox’s earnings and her paypal for many years in addition to her mail, money, ups, fed exes cash app,venmo, bank deposits by keen observation spy cam equipment etc. so please so not listen to or read her so called fact reports as we are proffesional evaluators and do this top secretly. Here is pay for following our demands. etc.

They are sending 5 fraud reports that lie Miss N. Fox bought a house too fast that cost too much in 2005, and was entertaining men there, and saw 4 men during those years, and bought the house and too many clothes so fast without thinking, thereby we are taking her money, mail,paypal etc. due to this for many years.




The reports lie I was with a man in 2005 during the year, and it lies I was with a man in 2009 to 2010 when I was with my one ex boyfriend from Dec 1st, 2005 to Dec. 2007, and he was from out of State and lived in Encino twenty minutes away, a live out boyfriend, a man from the past, that I met in 1987 and dated for 4 months in 1988, and he’s the only boyfriend I have, the only man I have been with since my ex husband 1997. I was not with a man for over 8 years until I got together with the man from the past Dec 1st 2005.

My reading report lies I was a man who was there in 2010, that was an old boyfriend from the mid 1980’s from 12 Step meetings, in 1987 he was my boyfriend, a Teamster, a man I was good friends with when I was in 7th 8th 9th Grade as he lived in my neighborhood and I was friends with him and his family when I was in Middle School, then he was my boyfriend in 1987, an old neighborhood friend I saw in 2009 2010 and we went to Starbucks in Sherman Oaks, Casa Vega Restaurant for dinner, and a restaurant on Westlake Blvd. and he came to see the house and we talked there, but did not get together romantically, he was a friend only, and he passed away about 8 years ago unfortunately.

Another man was a friend only and always only a friend, he’s married and works in the mortgage broker field, and I spoke to him in 2004 or 2005 about working together on mortgage broker real estate deals on the phone, he owns Sober Living Homes for men also, and he came out and bought furniture in 2011? 2012? from the house, and I saw him at Functions also, a nice friend.

My reading says they are robbing me and sending slanderous reports everywhere.

June 17th, 2024

I D Theft Gang Stalkers Do To Targeted Individuals

Medium For God DBA

For years I have written fact letters that explain me an over nice sincere patient better than average Mom was set up to DCFS, after 4 years of prior gang stalking, vandalism, theft and an apparent cat napping went on to work against me and our happy family life I built up, to set me up by lies to do I D theft as I do not receive mail and money as I should for 15 years since this was done to me as I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were dismissed without prejudice so for years I have explained I think someone may be using fraud incorrect DCFS papers to steal my money as after the not needed case was closed I saw incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and I feel my money may be stolen by incorrect DCFS papers, that are wrong, as they said the mother did not provide her psych eval from UCLA when I was not at UCLA and I provided my psych eval diagnois done by a Mental Health Court hearing, and a lie that was dismissed a year before the case was closed in July 2010 was back in the incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and was told the last day of Court there were no papers, the case was being dismissed, and it was, and closed, then I saw papers with mistakes that I never recieved and than having obvious I D Theft after that it seems I D Theft is done to me by incorrect papers, and that I figured out with logic and facts of what was done, an over nice mom was set up then I have I D Theft since, that is logical and obvious to me the victim it’s been done to.

My readings say Yes, they steal my money by incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes and they planned it out to do I D Theft to me as after this was done 15 years ago I started my new business Medium For God and changed my career and proffesion to that of a Medium, and before that I was working as a Realtor for 10 years and made a good living selling many homes and provided well for my daughters and the DCFS case file ruined my 10 year realtor business I had built up in the suburbs where we lived for 12 years, and it ran us out of town,back to The San Fernando Valley where I am from, so I started my new business in Sherman Oaks, California where I was raised, and do my Medium For God business on the internet for 15 years from The San Fernando Valley, and mail and money does not reach me as it should, or work from my resumes’ I have sent since 2009, and paypal does not reach me as it should for over 11 years, and my readings say, Yes, they are stealiing all your Medium For God mail, money and paypal by incorrect papers with mistakes, and planned it out to do I D Theft to steal everything sent for your psychic ability, and have stolen 19 years of my Angel Board channeling jobs, and money by this stalking liar vandalism group for 19 years, and that many did this before then, some because they do not want me to have my psychic questions sent in the mail, because they commit the crimes that questions sent are about, and thats human traffick, fgm, depopulation, gang stalking on spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and security cameras, organized crimes.




Readings say in Feb 2005 they stole an angel board channeling job sent for me that said for Nancy Fox for your in born psychic gift to answer crime tip questions privately and they stole it in a UPS, and in Feb 2005 I was told in an Angel Board reading “Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race”as my second Mom a neighbor I grew up next door to on Ranchito Ave. died, and contacted an Angel Board reader and spelled out ” I died I have to speak to Nancy Fox” a million times over on her Angel Board, so I went and did the Angel Board reading in early Feb 2005, and readings say an Angel Board job was sent to me due to this divine intervention from heaven that brought me that message.

In 2005 I got alot done and accomplished to much I set out to do and planned for, as in 2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, and I decided in 2004 I am going on a low carb diet and loosing weight and doing a make over on myself, and I decided I was going to finish updating our two story house with new carpet, tile, and paint to have it ready to List, and did all of this work starting at the end of 2004 and accomplished what I set out to do. I did refinance paperwork on the two story house in 2004 and spent 20 thousand of that money in Feb 2005 updating the house to sell it, I started working on my fico score in 2004 to qualify to buy a house in 2005, and I started the low carb diet in 2004 and lost weight, and got back to my regular size in 2005, and I did my skin at a dermatologist in my planned out make over I did on myself, and later I capped my teeth and whitened them in 2005. I went shopping and bought new clothes for my regular size, as I got back to my normal weight by the low carb diet, so I built up a new closet of clothes in 2005 to work in and to socialize in, and the make over was a sucess and I was so happy about it, and updating the two story house went well, and was a sucess also, as I got the 20 thousand out in the refi from 2004 and when the loan funded I got the work done in about 10 days, and had gone to a tile store, carpet store, and picked everything out and was all prepared, to have the updating to the house done, and it went very well and was done in about 10 days or 2 weeks in Feb 2005. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party at the 2 story house since it looked so good, and because my AA Birthday is Feb 9th, and I thought I might as well have a party with the new carpet, tile,and paint before I list and sell the house, and did on Feb 27th, 2005. Then I found a house I was interested in on the MLS in April 2005 as I was a realtor looking for their own house to buy and had looked for a house since 2001 and wrote many contingent offers on houses before then. The house I wanted to see went into escrow, and then in the middle of May it came back on the market, so we went to see it that day, and they happen chance had an Open House, and I loved it as I felt I would when I first saw it listed, and wrote an offer that was accepted, had the 40 thousand 3 % deposit in the bank, and got a loan approval letter from Countrywide, and I got a swing loan from my 2 story house to buy it, for the deposit, a swing loan is where you borrow your home equity from your house you have listed to sell. I opened escrow, and my swing loan money from my 2 story house went into a Downey Savings savings account, then I transferred it to my checking account there Nancy Fox, and bought the one story house with my two story house money, and then wrote checks from my Nancy Fox checking account, and updated the one story house before we moved in around July 1st, 2005. Then I sold the two story house for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan I borrowed against it with my Seller Proceeds, and everything went so well that I set out to do and planned for in 2004, and I got so much accomplished by a lot of hard work, time, and energy and sold many homes and estates also that year, and then the stalkers started ruining it all, as in 2005 after moving into the one story house the mail box in front of the house was broken onto the ground, this vandalism was done again in spring 2006 and my suv was broken into that was parked in our one story house driveway, and property was stolen, stalkers stalked, parked, cats went missing etc. and worked against all I worked so hard for and accomplished and just the stalking ruined my real estate income, as I was stalked when I was driving also, and it was negative energy that ruined the serene great ambiance in the one story house, and by stalking alone I lost almost half a million of my money I invested into the house, as they ruined the value of it, as they caused negative vibes, and got cootys on the property is what I say to myself, and I was asked are you under surveillance? when stalking went on in 2008 or 2009 and I said ” no I would never be under surveillance? I am sober in AA a very long time? ” as AA’s don’t lie, cheat or steal, I do not drink or do drugs since 1985, I got sober Feb 9th, 1985 and work a 12 step spiritual program, to be the best person I can be, and I am over honest, and there would never be a reason for surveillance on a person like me. Surveillance would ruin a homes equity, and it lost its value by all of this, as it ruined it. I bought it because it felt serene, and had laden Oak trees, a covered porch, Church bells chiming, and a private driveway to be peaceful and private, and the house had felt so good and wonderful, and I bought it for that feeling in the house, and for our family home as it had the perfect floorplan, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us as she told me that what she wanted to do in 2001, and thats the reason I started shopping for the one story house then, and it had large bedrooms for my two daughters with a large bathroom with double sinks, and alot of cabinet space, and a laundry room inbetween their bedrooms, so it was perfect for my two daughters in their teenage young adult years, and it felt like a writers retreat, and it felt so spiritual and serene, it was just what I was looking for since 2001, as I decided I wanted to buy a house with a spiritual ambiance with a clay tile roof to have a certain look and feeling, and shopped for the house for 4 years as said, I shopped for it everyday on the realtor MLS as a realtor looking for their own house, and wrote offers on similar houses over those years when I was looking, and bought the perfect house that was just what I was looking for with a perfect floorplan I loved, and it was in the same City as our two story house that we had lived in for over 8 years, so same suburb City, same School district, the perfect floorplan for our family home, and a great feeling it had, and I planned to never move, I said ” Last House!” ” I am never moving again” then the stalkers ruined it, then set me up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009, then the lies were dismissed without prejudice in 2009, and it said ” the Mom has major life stressors” that’s what the stalker, vandalizer, car break in thieves probable cat nappers and liars who lied to DCFS caused. I am the victim it was done to, and thats not a reason for a DCFS case file, as there should not be a DCFS case file on an over nice Mom who does nothing wrong. It ruined our happy family suburb home in the area where we lived for over 12 years, and it ruined my 10 year realtor business I built up there so in 2010 I started my new business Medium For God in The San Fernando Valley, in Sherman Oaks, and have worked from Sherman Oaks, Encino, and Noho, and my business is obviously robbed, and I feel its the gang stalkers who are robbing me with incorrect DCFS papers that have a dismissed without prejudice lie and mistakes, papers I saw weeks after the case was closed that were wrong, and incorrect and I have felt this for years, that thats how I D Theft is being done as a Targeted Individual.

Stereotyping Mom’s

Medium For God DBAJune 17, 2024

Reading Tips

The banks say they run people out of their house by how they are behaving, such as decorating, updating their house, working by texts emails faxes and not calling out, trying on clothes, dancing etc they judge people who are just being themselves and lie they are having wrong when they ared and was done spending she bought a house furniture to have for years built up a closet if clothes to wear for years and all was needed clothes in the right size after a diet furniture for the family to set on and they frame Mom’s with what they spend their own money on




If they look good in new clothes going out they stereotype the Mom’s and lie a hot sexy mom going out carousing when they don’t have casual sex or flings hate pornography are not vulgar don’t flirt in line or text men with symbols like many women do, they are not this way and many do not drink and most do no drugs and they are doing nothing wrong just wearing a nice outfit out somewhere totally stone cold sober and they describe them wrong Stereotype Mom’s who are nothing they say then set them up with lies then take DCFS CPS papers to banks and lie the good great wonderful Mom’s they slandered stereotyped and set up are very bad persons and say at banks see the DCFS CPS papers this mom can’t have her own money ?

More Reading Tips

My reading says someone slandered me with second hand heresay lies, with 10 lies. I am reporting what my readings says.

They lied Nancy Fox was out carousing when I was at an AA Convention at the Hyatt between 2005 to 2008 in Westlake Village. They lied it was a hot shing ding or something like this to give a false impression of a long time sober AA lady at an AA Convention.

They told the same lies when I went to an AA Convention in Burbank, in 2005, and said it was wrong I brought my teenage daughter and her friends. My reading says.

They lied I was hanging out with a man at a house in Lake Lindero, in 2006 or 2007,when I was doing Real Estate paperwork on a house I Listed as the Real Estate Agent. My reading says the report says I was there 4 hours. I was working.

They lied I was hanging out with friends at a house on a corner in Lake Lindero when I was at a Real Estate Inspection at a House I sold as the Buyers Agent. I was working.

They said I went to see my and my daughters Guitar teachers band at the Troubadour in 2005.

They said I brought my older daughter when she was about 15 and her friend to see the band in 2005.

She said shes out being wild dancing at the Buddha Restaurant in Agoura Hills. I went to dinner with a real estate customer girlfriend who invited me to dinner on a Sat. night when my daughters were at their Dad’s. My real estate customer girlfriend and I had dinner, then she wanted to dance, so we danced to a couple songs at on the Buddha Restaurant dance floor. I went home alone stone cold sober.

She lied she was not working hard enough to own the house that cost too much ( my payment was $3,200.00 a month, not too much) and in 2007 said shes not calling out enough, when I was working by texts, emails, and fax in the day showing listings buyers etc. In 2007 I was showing an Estate listing I had for 1.8 down the Street, that I showed 3 to 5 times a day several days a week and I waited at our house texting the appointments with buyers, and texting the seller, and I showed it to many who called on the Sign also. I was very busy showing that listing many times a day and other listings, and working on Escrows I had going with homes I sold. I was working.



My readings says this person plotted to rob my real estate business out from under me, and psychic jobs and money, and readings say she does I D Theft to me for years, has hackers send her my paypal they rob, stole rent money by hacking a rent payment link, and steals my UPS Fed Ex gifts, and alot that is mine.

My readings say she also lied ” she’s not worried about money at all” because I said ” I am not going to worry about money, I turn it over to God, I know God will provide” I say this all the time since 1985 when I got sober in AA, I was working my 12 Step Program.

I was also reading a book then called ” Don’t Worry Make Money”a Positive Thinking Spiritual Book about money.

My readings say she also lied she bought a new living room set and the house looked to posh and prestigous. This was the living room set from our two story house, I DID NOT BUY living room furniture.

and this person calls themself an Evaluator?

My readings say the stalkers who stalked the house that I saw in 2008 to spring 2009 in White BMW’s etc. made false Sterotyping reports and set me up to DCFS in May 2009 by lying. My readings their reports lied ” she wore a hot backless top out on the town and was carousing, and bought sexy rhinestone patton leather sandals, two pairs so fast to look hot” etc. When I bought two backless tops to wear under a jacket I bought, and I never wore a backless top alone and would not. I bought two backless tops at Macys to go under a jacket I bought there, a solid black raw silk top, and a satan off white top with black trim in the front that looked great under the jacket and wore t black pants, these were outfits. I bought two pairs of flat patton leather sandals that has Fireflys on them, that looked spiritual to me, and I bought them at T J Max for about $10.00 each, as I am a size 9 1/2 or 10 shoe, and often buy a few pairs of shoes on sale at once.

Readings say they are lying about clothes I bought that I bought to wear under a sweater or jacket, a white ilet top I bought in 2010 that I wore under a white sweater, and an off A Line dress, knee length, with lace on the back, I only wore under a white sweater.

Readings say all these women do I D theft to me and rob what is mine.

My readings say this so called Evaluator and the On Patrol Women stalkers are stealing my money and send out fraud slanderous reports by Courrier Service that say Top Secretly Done, 5 evaluations by Ms. _____ wood. These enclosed evaluation reports explain why we are taking Miss N. Fox’s earnings and her paypal for many years in addition to her mail, money, ups, fed exes cash app,venmo, bank deposits by keen observation spy cam equipment etc. so please so not listen to or read her so called fact reports as we are proffesional evaluators and do this top secretly. Here is pay for following our demands. etc.

They are sending 5 fraud reports that lie Miss N. Fox bought a house too fast that cost too much in 2005, and was entertaining men there, and saw 4 men during those years, and bought the house and too many clothes so fast without thinking, thereby we are taking her money, mail,paypal etc. due to this for many years.




The reports lie I was with a man in 2005 during the year, and it lies I was with a man in 2009 to 2010 when I was with my one ex boyfriend from Dec 1st, 2005 to Dec. 2007, and he was from out of State and lived in Encino twenty minutes away, a live out boyfriend, a man from the past, that I met in 1987 and dated for 4 months in 1988, and he’s the only boyfriend I have, the only man I have been with since my ex husband 1997. I was not with a man for over 8 years until I got together with the man from the past Dec 1st 2005.

My reading report lies I was a man who was there in 2010, that was an old boyfriend from the mid 1980’s from 12 Step meetings, in 1987 he was my boyfriend, a Teamster, a man I was good friends with when I was in 7th 8th 9th Grade as he lived in my neighborhood and I was friends with him and his family when I was in Middle School, then he was my boyfriend in 1987, an old neighborhood friend I saw in 2009 2010 and we went to Starbucks in Sherman Oaks, Casa Vega Restaurant for dinner, and a restaurant on Westlake Blvd. and he came to see the house and we talked there, but did not get together romantically, he was a friend only, and he passed away about 8 years ago unfortunately.

Another man was a friend only and always only a friend, he’s married and works in the mortgage broker field, and I spoke to him in 2004 or 2005 about working together on mortgage broker real estate deals on the phone, he owns Sober Living Homes for men also, and he came out and bought furniture in 2011? 2012? from the house, and I saw him at Functions also, a nice friend.

My reading says they are robbing me and sending slanderous reports everywhere.

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