Dismissed Means Dismissed


1985 Feb. 9th. I got sober in A A and I am still sober to this day.

1991. I was married

1991 I had my first daughter

1995 I has my second daughter

1999 I got a California Real Estate Liscense

2000 Jan I was legally separated, like a divorce, I got physical custody of my two daughters that my ex gave me, and the Legal Separation was filed in the Van Nuys Courthouse. All community property, and assets were spilt at this time, and it said we are living as if we are single

2000 I started paying all the household bills and mortgage etc alone as a single mom realtor and got up and worked from 4 am to 7 am for years selling homes and I was out selling, showing, and previewing homes when my daughters were at School, and I made a great living as a single mom realtor and paid the bills alone without child support, and never alimony as I agreed to not receive alimony. I did not receive child support until years later in 2006 or 2007 and I reduced it to $250.00 per child a month, and docked his check, and years later got child support arrears owed to me.

2001 My mother told me she wanted to live with my two daughters and I told her I would buy a one story.

2000 to 2005 I updated the two story with the plans to sell it and buy a one story.

2001 to 2005 I searched for a house to buy as a realtor looking for their own house, I wrote 5 offers on houses over those years and then bought a house in the summer of 2005.

2004 I applied to refi the two story to take money out to finish updating the two story house to sell it in 2005 to buy another house.

2005 Jan.Feb I got the refi money and had the house updated with new carpet, paint, and tile, and got it ready to List and Sell.

2005 April I saw a house I wanted to see that was listed, then it went into escrow, then it came back on the market in the middle of June 2005, I wrote an offer that was accepted, and gave them the 3% deposit and my loan approval letter I got from Countrywide by the mortgage broker man and woman team, Regency Brokerage. I got a swing loan on my two story home, and borrowed about $300,000.00 in my equity money to buy the new house. I then sold my two story for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan equity money with my Sellers Proceeds. I updated the one story house with my equity money from my two story home also, and had hardwood floors, and pavers put in, remodeled the guest bath and bought furniture for the family room dining room area.

2005 My mom came to see the one story house during the escrow and loved it and said she wanted to go on the house with me. I told the mortgage broker team who said it would save me $330.00 a month on my mortgage payment, so my Mom went to the escrow office with me and was added to my purchase contract, then we opened a joint savings at Downey Savings that my swing loan equity money went into that I bought the one story house with, and I updated it and bought furniture with that money, and none of my moms money went into this joint savings at Downey Savings where I had a checking account Nancy Fox that I opened in Jan 2005. I also had a Wells Fargo checking and savings account and that was Nancy G. Fox-Taylor. My mother had her own individual Wells Fargo checking also Denise S. Fox and had me as POA Nancy G. Fox since I turned 18. She made me 1st Trustee of her living trust will Jan 1995 as First Trustee Nancy G. Fox-Taylor. She signed a POA for me in 2007 also, she told me she only wanted me in her business and me to be in charge of her real estate decisions.

2008 May my mother was diagnoised with Memory Loss and lost her Drivers Liscense in 2008. I started paying her bills for her and had her sign her checks, and put her bills on automatic bill pay, and drove her around because she did not have a liscense to drive. In 2007 her diamond platnum heirloom rings went missing from her house and we filed a lost stolen report in March 2008. In spring 2009 her Living Trust Will went missing from her house, and her Wells Fargo account was closed without by being informed, she signed a paper with dementia I saw sitting at her house, that said someone was her Trustee who is really the Third Trustee in the Denise S. Fox Family Trust, which was a living trust, as my Mom passed away unfortunately July 5th, 2021. When she was living she had a living trust, that means her money was not family money, it means its only the persons money, when they are alive. Therefore, she had Individual Bank accounts of hers alone.

2007 when the real estate market started slowing I asked my Mom to borrow money as my escrows were taking longer to close, so I wanted her to float me money until my escrows closed, listings sold, and she said No I don’t want you to pay me back, you are the one there for me if I need something, I take care of you and you take care of me and thats our secret pact and I do not want your siblings to know about it. She got money from her Charles Schwab and Citibank account, and each time she said, she did not want me to pay her back very adomately, as I always said I want to pay you back anyway, and she said No , I don’t want you to and don’t tell the other kids. She also told me in fall 2007 someone was calling about her Charles Schwab account, and she asked me to call them and tell them she did not want them in her Charles Schwab business so I did in fall 2007.

2008 My mom would have moved in but stalking went on at our house and on the street so I was worried for her to move in, the stalking also affected my real estate income as it made me so worried and nervous as I wondered what is going on? and it was a slow frozen real estate market from fall 2007 to 2009 as buyers could not get a loan to buy a house, agents were warned of the slow market that was coming ahead in fall 2007, and were told get a loan from a relative, ride the market out and keep working or get another job. I told my mom about this slow that was the Global Financial Crisis in fall 2007, and she said ” I will get you a loan, my house is worth alot” and I knew soon her house in Sherman Oaks would be rented or sold, that she would be living with us, so I was not worried about the $130,000.00 equity line loan she got on her house in Sherman Oaks from Wacovia as it was $120.000 a month payment, and she was going to live in our the one story house I bought in 2005, and thats why I bought it, as she was going to live with my two daughters and I with us looking after her instead of her going to an elder care which I did not want her to go to, and those were $7,000.00 a month, and I thought whats $130,000.00 in a loan that I am paying back anyway, my Mom won’t spend $100,000.00 a year on an elder care she will be living with us under our roof, and an elder care for 10 years would be 1 million dollars, so that is how I saw it, as it was no skin off anybodys back, a loan I was paying back with $120.00 a month payments, that I would have paid down with my real estate income starting in 2009 when I had $166,000.00 I would have made by 4 listings I had with 2 sellers also buying, and that estimated income was $166,000.00 in May 2009 and that was just the first half of the year. But I was set up to DCFS by lies in spring 2009 right when my Mom would have been moving into the one story house with my two daughters and I, and I planned to lease her house in Sherman Oaks, and she would have made $50,000.00 a year in rent money, and I planned to update it and sell it for close to 1 million and all those real estate plans were ruined also as gang stalking went on and vandalism began in 2005 after moving into the one story house, and again in 2006, and a car break in theft was done, and stalkers stalked, swarmed around, parked, and our cats went missing when stalkers were there Labor Day 2008, and after 4 years of this victimizing done I was lied about and set up. First someone lied I was sucidal when I was not and never had been in my life, that same week that my suv had broken down and the sucide lie was told DCFS came and went to a messy pantry cupboard with stale crackers, and turned on the shower heads in both bathrooms, and asked did I pray and mediate in my bathroom? and I told DCFS my car just broke down, and I said I am owed $120,000.00 in back child support arrears, and other expenses that were supposed to be split by both parents, and I showed DCFS the file, and was told DCFS could not help me with money, and they came another time and threw Welfare papers on the coffee table in our million dollar family home that I bought in 2005 and owned, and thought DCFS will see I am a sucessful realtor providing well as a single mom paying for everything alone, and thought I would never see DCFS again, then we were asked to go a DCFS meeting, and my older daughter did not want to go to the DCFS meeting, and slept in, and we missed 1 or 2 DCFS meetings as she said I don’t want to go to that dumb DCFS meeting, and begrudgling went anyway with me and I thought nothing will become of this, I am a long time sober in Alcoholics Anonymous and have raised two great daughters, and I am a over nice mother, and more calm and patient than most moms, and I am not child endangering, I hate hitting and spanking and hardly ever even yelled, so I thought for certain this whole DCFS nonsense will be over with. Someone offered me a job on a feature film at Warner Brother Studios with a rental car and money, so I took that job to be mobile and refered some of my real estate listings to an agent for a referal fee, and took the month shoot movie job and my ex husband the Dad and I agreed in the Ventura County Court that our younger daughter would stay with him for summer visitation in 2009. I had full physical custody in the Ventura County Court as our legal separation papers were filed there as our divorce papers, and we were divorced there in 2005 and I restored my maiden name, and was Nancy G. Fox-Taylor Custodial Parent, it said for years due to back child support arrears, and may still say Custodial Parent Fox-Taylor, even though my two daughters are grown up adults since 2009 and 2013, and they are mothers, and I am a Grandma of 3 thankfully.

2009 The day after the movie wrapped that I was Costume Supervisor on DCFS called and said they were taking my kids by emergency custody to their Dad’s, and I asked whats the reason? and said there is no emergency, and DCFS said you’ll find out this week in Court, where I saw pages of lies, and I wrote on the DCFS papers, the at the next Court date the Lies Were Dismissed Without Prejudice. It said the Mother has major life stressors. I brought a Declaration of Fact paper that said I lies were told by individuals and I wanted the case dismissed in it’s entirety, I was told I had to bring that the first day of Court, but I did not see the lies until I got to Court. They were dismissed another day at Court as I said. DCFS has told me in a meeting before it went to Court that they had anonymous reports from people, and had spoke to a relative. I said that relative lives hours away, I hardly see them, and they drink, and I am sober in AA, meaning that was not a credible person to talk to about me, an over nice mom whos sober in AA, as I hardly saw them, and they had no kids, never wanted any kids, and lived 5 hours away, and were not around our family life in the suburbs. They lied to DCFS and I saw that lie in Court, and they lied she needs to take her psychotropic medication, something like that. I took no medication, needed none, and there was no prescription. I am a sober A A lady for a long time, and AA’s do not take medication, they are told not to take any mind altering chemicals. This lie was DISMISS without prejudice in Court in 2009.I brought a letter from a Therapy Group to Court, that said Nancy Fox does not take medication or have a perscription and the lie was Dismissed without prejudice by the Letter.

The other lies told were describing dreams I had when I was asleep, and those lies were DISMISSED without prejudice in Court in 2009.

My older daughter turned 18 in 2009 and was DISMISS from the DCFS case in Court in 2009 because she was an Adult.

In 2009 I had a psych eval for psychic crime tips and facts I wrote as I worried stalkers were kidnappers after my two daughters. When I went in for the psych eval in fall 2009 I was told you need your psych eval for DCFS anyway, and then I was told they were taking me somewhere else to release me, and there I had a Court Hearing on Nov 6th, 2009 with a timer and a Gavel with the Superior Mental Health Court Referee who ruled my psych eval diagnois on a Certificate Review Hearing Form, and wrote something such as ” A mom with spiritual insight since age 11 reported a list of psychic crime tips to protect her daughters and is ruled ” A Concerned Citizen”. Nancy Fox is sober in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous a very long time since Feb 9th, 1985″ and the boxes were checked Not gravely disabled, Not a danger to herself or others.

My daughter was 18 then and saw me there the day before the Court Hearing diagnois Ruling. I am saying she was an adult 18 years old in the event someone doing I D Theft is lying they got control of money as no one could have as my daughter was an Adult and I was ruled normal which I am, and we are both in spiritual 12 Step Programs.

I faxed the Certificate Review Hearing Form diagnois of the psych eval, to DCFS, my Lawyer, gave a copy to the Dad, my ex and brought 5 copies to Court as my lawyer advised, I filed it in the Court File Room also the last day of Court in July 2010. I was told the last day of Court in July 2010 the case is being dismissed! we are going without DCFS papers today! the case is being closed and the case was closed that day and my ex my daughters Dad got custody of our daughter when she was 15 years old unfairly as the case file was opened based on lies and the lies were dismissed. Since its obvious I have I D theft. I feel my mail, money, paypal etc is taken by papers with Dismissed Lies, as weeks after the case was closed at Court I saw DCFS papers I never saw or received, that had mistakes in them, they were incorrect, and this was after the fact, the case had been closed, and dismissed in Court.

They incorrect papers with mistakes had the medication lie a relative told a year before then in 2009 that was DISMISS Without Prejudice in 2009, no longer part of the DCFS case file back in incorrect DCFS paper with mistakes that a Cynthia Van Dam did.It also had the mistake, incorrect information that lied the mom did not provide her psych eval from UCLA, when Yes I did provide the psych eval diagnois from the Superior Mental Health Court hearing ruling from Nov 6th, 2009 and I was not at UCLA. 3 Lies, mistakes, incorrect DCFS papers I saw after the fact, after the case was closed in Court in July 09.

It seems I D Theft may be done by incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes.

For 15 years I do not receive mail or money as I should, and I do not recieve my paypal as I should for over 11 years. I opened my paypal account April 4th, 2013, and my younger daughter was an 18 year old then, and the case had been closed for years, and said No monitor.

I believe someone could be lying they got control of the mother and childrens money by the DCFS case file when no one did, no one could have, and my daughters are not children for many years and the case was closed 14 years ago in Court.

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